miércoles, 5 de marzo de 2014

Amazing number of visits to our blog!!

Here you can see the visits we have had to our blog in these last days. 
It´s amazing, isn´t it??!! 
Páginas vistas
Gráfico de las vistas de la página de Blogger

4 comentarios:

  1. Ok,but can you put us the question of the BRAVEHEART?This weekend I will go to work,and I can't read the book.

    1. Don´t worry, my dear and unknown friend. You can read the book trying to understand and later you will be able to answer the questions. In any case, we will try to upload the questions as soon as possible. Have a nice day!!!

  2. I knew that you will say me that.THANKS.

    1. What a surprise!! I didn´t know the comment comes from you, my dear J.M...
