jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2014

26/11/2014, Wednesday

-Corrección fotocopia sobre voz pasiva.
-Explicación de pronombres personales sujeto (I, you, he, she, it, we, you, they) + pronombres personales objeto (me, you, him, her, us, yuo, them) + adjetivos posesivos (my, you, his, her, its, our, your, their) + pronombres posesivos (mine, yours, his, hers, our, yours, theirs).
-Corrección TBPW, page 33, 1 + 2 + 3A + 3b
-DVD: “House for four”, chapter 6, sections 1 and 2. Just the beginning.

Actually, afford (to), allow (to), another + singular noun, another one, argue (to), argument, as well (as), average, avoid, be careful (to), be scared of (to), become independent (to), bone, book (to), both, break down (to), briefcase, bride, bridesmaid, bunch of flowers, busy, Chemistry, clue, come of age, compulsory, depend on (to), do crafts (to), do karate (to), doll, doubt, drawer, due to, even, event, exhibition, figure, fireworks, fix (to), flood, fortress, gonna + infinit. sin to,goods, helmet, hint, hire (to), hoover, I´d rather + bare infinitive, instead of, jealous, kite, kitten, knit (to), laptop, lately, lawyer, lobster, look after (to), look for (to), look like (to), look up (to),  mate, mend (to), mill, other + plural noun, oven, paragliding, pay attention to  (to), pensioner, pray (to), queue, reject (to), relative, row, run a business (to), scarf, selfish, speak to, spell, sweep-swept-swept, take care (to), talk to, the whole + noun, the other one, thief, threat, tidy, tiny, tip, upload (to), vacuum, wanna + infinit. sin to, warning, wedding dress, wheelchair, would you be so kind as to…?, wrist

My dear friend Mercedes, married to an Irish guy and living in Ireland for many years, told me about this point:
"I never say "hoover" because I think a Hoover type is a vacuum without a tube and pipes. And I personally prefer to use a vacuum cleaner with a tube and pipes".
I would say: "I am going to vacuum the living room now"
or, for example, "I vacuumed the hall yesterday"

HOMEWORK (sent by email):
-Page 85 about the passive.
-Reading “Burglars”

miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

24/11/2014, Monday

-Corrección PET:
            >Reading T/F, “The Old Cotton Mill”
-Corrección (enviado por email) English File Preintermediate Workbook, pages 11 & 12, section 2GRAMMAR, A + B + C + D
-Repaso teórico de la voz pasiva en inglés.
-BOOK, page 46, TUNE IN:
            >nº 1: speaking about the pictures

Actually, afford (to), allow (to), another + singular noun, another one, argue (to), argument, as well (as), average, avoid, be careful (to), be scared of (to), become independent (to), bone, book (to), both, break down (to), briefcase, bride, bridesmaid, bunch of flowers, busy, Chemistry, clue, come of age, compulsory, depend on (to), do crafts (to), do karate (to), doll, doubt, drawer, due to, even, event, exhibition, figure, fireworks, fix (to), flood, fortress, gonna + infinit. sin to,goods, helmet, hint, hire (to), I´d rather + bare infinitive, instead of, jealous, kite, kitten, knit (to), laptop, lately, lawyer, lobster, look after (to), look for (to), look like (to), look up (to),  mate, mend (to), mill, other + plural noun, oven, paragliding, pay attention to  (to), pensioner, pray (to), reject (to), relative, run a business (to), scarf, selfish, speak to, spell, sweep-swept-swept, take care (to), talk to, the whole + noun, the other one, thief, threat, tidy, tiny, tip, upload (to), wall, wanna + infinit. sin to, warning, wedding dress, wheelchair, would you be so kind as to…?, wrist

-The Big Picture Workbook, page 33, 1 + 2 + 3a + 3b
-Fotocopia sobre la voz pasiva (enviada por email)

domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

19/11/2014, Wednesday

-Terminar corrección 1626 Ejercicios de Inglés, page 9, ejercicio 5, frases para traducir con present perfect, desde la frase 4.
-LISTENING BOOK, page 43,                                                                                                         >nº 1: speaking: cada uno hablará seguido explicando la situación, real o imaginaria
>nº 2a: listening 4.5, track 39
          >nº 2b
-Corregir TUNE IN page 47, 1 + 3 + 4 + 5

Actually, afford (to), allow (to), another + singular noun, another one, argue (to), argument, as well (as), average, avoid, be careful (to), be scared of (to), become independent (to), bone, both, break down (to), briefcase, bride, bridesmaid, bunch of flowers, busy, Chemistry, clue, come of age, compulsory, depend on (to), do crafts (to), do karate (to), doll, doubt, drawer, due to, even, event, exhibition, figure, fireworks. flood, fortress, gonna + infinit. sin to,goods, hint, hire (to), I´d rather + bare infinitive, instead of, jealous, kite, kitten, knit (to), laptop, lately, lawyer, lobster, look after (to), look for (to), look like (to), look up (to),  mate, other + plural noun, oven, paragliding, pay attention to  (to), pensioner, pray (to), reject (to), relative, run a business (to), scarf, selfish, speak to, spell, sweep-swept-swept, take care (to), talk to, the whole + noun, the other one, thief, threat, tidy, tiny, tip, upload (to), wall, wanna + infinit. sin to, warning, wedding dress, wheelchair, would you be so kind as to…?, wrist

-Ejercicios PET: transformations + reading true / false

martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

17/11/2014, Monday

-Corrección Reading PET Multiple Choice, Part 4, page 32 & 33,”Author of the week” – 21B 22D 23B 24A 25C
-Book page 143, ejercicio A de la sección 4.3. (comparativos y superlativos)
-BOOK, page 45: GRAMMAR (comparativos y superlativos) >nº 4a: than / the
-Corrección Workbook, ejercicio  6 de la página 24, ya enviada antes: comparativos y superlativos.
-Corrección Workbook, ejercicio 7 de la página 25: comparativos y superlativos
-Corrección Workbook, ejercicio 8 de la página 25: comparativos, superlativos y present perfect / s. past
-Corrección 1626 Ejercicios de Inglés, page 9, ejercicio 5, frases para traducir con present perfect, hasta la frase 3.

Actually, afford (to), allow (to), another + singular noun, another one, argue (to), argument, as well (as), average, avoid, be careful (to), be scared of (to), become independent (to), bone, both, break down (to), briefcase, bride, bridesmaid, bunch of flowers, busy, Chemistry, clue, come of age, compulsory, depend on (to), do crafts (to), do karate (to), doubt, drawer, due to, even, event, exhibition, figure, fireworks. flood, fortress, gonna + infinit. sin to,goods, hint, hire (to), I´d rather + bare infinitive, instead of, jealous, kite, kitten, knit (to), laptop, lawyer, lobster, look after (to), look for (to), look like (to), look up (to),  mate, other + plural noun, oven, paragliding, pay attention to  (to), pensioner, pray (to), reject (to), relative, run a business (to), scarf, selfish, speak to, spell, take care (to), talk to, the whole + noun, the other one, thief, threat, tidy, tiny, tip, wall, wanna + infinit. sin to, warning, wedding dress, wheelchair, would you be so kind as to…?

-BOOK, page 47 TUNE IN 1 + 3 + 4 + 5
-Enviado por email: English File Preintermediate Workbook, pages 11 & 12, section
2GRAMMAR, A + B + C + D

viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

12/11/2014, Wednesday

-Revisión de vocabulario

Permitirse económ.

Mayoría de edad



Ser cuidadoso



En lugar de

Indirecta, pista

Estar asustado de

Depender de




Fuegos artificiales

In fact =

Dirigir un negocio






Debido a



Cuidar de

Hablar con

Ramo de flores



La semana entera

Familiar (noun)



Silla de ruedas

Prestar atención

-Book, page 143, GRAMMAR BANK, punto 4.3. COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES: explicación en la pizarra.
-BOOK, page 45: GRAMMAR (comparativos y superlativos)
            >nº 2. Completer GRAMMAR PANEL
            >nº 3 a : frases para speaking
Actually, afford (to), allow (to), argue (to), argument, as well (as), avoid, be careful (to), be scared of (to), become independent (to), bone, both, break down (to), briefcase, bride, bridesmaid, bunch of flowers, busy, clue, come of age, compulsory, depend on (to), do crafts (to), do karate (to), doubt, drawer, due to, even, event, exhibition, figure, fireworks. flood, fortress, gonna+infinit. sin to,goods, hint, hire (to), I´d rather + bare infinitive, instead of, jealous, kite, kitten, knit (to), laptop, lawyer, lobster, look after (to), look for (to), look like (to), look up (to),  mate, oven, paragliding, pay attention to  (to), pensioner, pray (to), reject (to), relative, run a business (to), scarf, selfish, speak to, spell, take care (to), talk to, the whole+noun, thief, threat, tip, wall, wanna+infinit. sin to, warning, wedding dress, wheelchair, would you be so kind as to…?

-Book page 143, ejercicio A de la sección 4.3. (comparativos y superlativos)
-Reading PET Multiple Choice, Part 4, page 32 & 33,”Author of the week”
-1626 Ejercicios de Inglés, page 9, ejercicio 5, frases para traducir con present perfect

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014

10/11/2014, Monday

-Corrección reading PET with pictures.
-BOOK, page 43, GRAMMAR (2), revision de la teoría sobre for / since
-Corrección fotocopia sobre PRESENT PERFECT (1626 ejercicios dei inglés)
-BOOK, page 43, PRONUNCIATION, 1a: breve listening 4.4. track 38, de tres conversaciones para completar.

Afford (to), allow (to), argue (to), argument, as well (as), avoid, be careful (to), be sacred of (to), become independent (to), bone, both, , break down (to), briefcase, bride, bridesmaid, bunch of flowers, busy, clue, come of age, compulsory, depend on (to), do crafts (to), do karate (to), doubt, drawer, even, event, exhibition, figure, fireworks. flood, fortress, gonna+infinit. sin to,goods, hint, hire (to), I´d rather + bare infinitive, instead of, jealous, kite, kitten, knit (to), laptop, lawyer, lobster, look after (to), look for (to), look like (to), look up (to),  mate, oven, paragliding, pay attention to  (to), pensioner, pray (to), reject (to), relative, run a business (to), scarf, selfish, speak to, spell, take care (to), talk to, the whole+noun, thief, threat, tip, wall, wanna+infinit. sin to, warning, wedding dress, wheelchair, would you be so kind as to…?

-Workbook, ejercicio  6 de la página 24, ya enviada antes
-Workbook, ejercicio 7 de la página 25
-Workbook, ejercicio 8 de la página 25

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

05/11/2014, Wednesday

-Corregir BOOK, page 44, READING: 1 + 2
          >leemos el texto de nuevo en clase para practicar lectura, potenciando el speaking              por parte de los estudiantes
>nº 1
>nº 2: 1A 2B 3C 4C
-Corregir BOOK, page 45. VOCABULARY (about the reading) nº 1: 1.do 2.make 3.do 4.look 5.do 6.pay 7.do
-Corregir tiempos verbales 4 / 10600

Afford (to), allow (to), argue (to), argument, as well (as), be careful (to), be sacred of (to), become independent (to), bone, both, briefcase, bride, bridesmaid, bunch of flowers, clue, come of age, compulsory, depend on (to), do crafts (to), do karate (to), doubt, drawer, even, event, exhibition, figure, flood, fortress, gonna+infinit. sin to,goods, hint, hire (to), I´d rather + bare infinitive, instead of, jealous, kite, kitten, knit (to), lawyer, lobster, look after (to), look for (to), look like (to), look up (to),  mate, oven, paragliding, pay attention to  (to), pensioner, pray (to), reject (to), relative, run a business (to), scarf, selfish, speak to, spell, take care (to), talk to, the whole+noun, thief, threat, tip, wall, wanna+infinit. sin to, warning, wedding dress, wheelchair, would you be so kind as to…?

HOMEWORK (sent by email):
-Writing PET (antes del domingo a 18:00 h.): Writing part 2, Page 16: no más palabras, escrito real
-Reading PET: With pictures.

martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014

"The power of good-bye", by Madonna


Your 1. _______________ is not open so I must 2. _______________,
The spell has been 3. _______________,
I loved you so.
4. _______________ comes when you 5. _______________ to let go,
6. _______________ comes when you 5. _______________ to say no.
You were my 7. _______________ I had to 5. _______________,
I was your fortress you had to 8. _______________.
Pain is a 9. _______________ that something's 10. _______________,
I pray to 11. _______________ that it won't be 12. _______________.
Do you 13. _______________ go 14. _______________?

There's 15. _______________ left to 16. _______________,
There's no 17. _______________ left to 18. _______________,
There's no 19. _______________ power than the power of 20. _______________.
Your 1. _______________ is not open so I must 2. _______________,
The spell has been 3. _______________,
I loved you so.
You were my 7. _______________ I had to 5. _______________,
I was your fortress.
There's 15. _______________ left to 21. _______________,
There's no 22. _______________ heart to 23. _______________,
There's no 19. _______________ power than the power of 20. _______________.
5. _______________ to say 20. _______________,
24. I _______________ to say 20. _______________.

There's 15. _______________ left to 16. _______________,
There's no more 25. _______________ to 18. _______________,
There's no 19. _______________ power than the power of 20. _______________.
There's 15. _______________ left to 21. _______________,
There's no 22. _______________ heart to 23. _______________,
There's no 19. _______________ power than the power of 20. _______________.

03/11/2014, Monday

-Song: “The power of  goodbye” (Madonna)
-Corregir matching: “Campsites”:  6C / 7A / 8H / 9D / 10F

Afford (to), allow (to), argue (to), argument, as well (as), be sacred of (to), become independent (to), bone, both, briefcase, bride, bridesmaid, bunch of flowers, clue, come of age, compulsory, do crafts (to), do karate (to), doubt, drawer, even, event, exhibition, flood, fortress, gonna+infinit. sin to,goods, hint, hire (to), I´d rather + bare infinitive, instead of, kite, kitten, knit (to), lawyer, lobster, mate, oven, paragliding, pay attention to  (to), pensioner, pray (to), reject (to), relative, run a business (to), scarf, selfish, speak to, spell, talk to, the whole+noun, thief, threat, tip, wall, wanna+infinit. sin to, warning, wedding dress, wheelchair, would you be so kind as to…?

-Ejercicos sobre Present Perfect enviados por email.