martes, 29 de marzo de 2022

Monday, 28th March 2022


-Revisión escrita de fonética y vocabulario

-Corrección Listening from PRACTICAL ENGLISH, page 92 & 93, 2.Giving directions in a building

-Corrección Reading FCE MCMLLN TSTBLDR, reading matching,

pages 45 & 46, test 2

43.B   44.C   45.D   46.C   47.A   48.E   49.D   50.B   51.E   52.B


-Book, page 95, 3SPEAKING&READING: a)speaking 

-Book, page 96, 5VOCABULARY a) + b)


-Book, page 95, 4 LISTENING & READING, a) con track 5.29

-Book, page 100, 4 READING b)reading + c)t/f questions

-Book, page 99, 3 LISTENING & SPEAKING c)track 5.36 +

d)también track 5.36


Bird /bɜːd/, blood /blʌd/, bullet/ˈbʊlɪt/, burn /bɜːn/,butcher´s /ˈbʊʧəz/, charge /ʧɑːʤ/, church /ʧɜːʧ/, costume /ˈkɒstjuːm/, custom /ˈkʌstəm/, decided /dɪˈsaɪdɪd/, delicious /dɪˈlɪʃəs/, famous /ˈfeɪməs/, flood /flʌd/, heart /hɑːt/, hurt /hɜːt/, lettuce, looked /lʊkt/, minute /ˈmɪnɪt/, mountain  /ˈmaʊntɪn/, nervous /ˈnɜːvəs/, soldier /ˈsəʊlʤə/,son /sʌn/, soon /suːn/, sun /sʌn/, turn /tɜːn/, vulture, weird /wɪəd/, woman /ˈwʊmən/, women /ˈwɪmɪn/, word /wɜːd/, work /wɜːk/, world /wɜːld/

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2022

Monday, 21rst March 2022


 -Comentarios sobre las correcciones de los writings: essay 100-160 words about Do you agree that community service works better than fines?

-As today we are going to talk a little bit about USA, let´s draw a map… and place states, cities, rivers, mountains…. on it

-Book, page 94, 1GRAMMAR: true or false about USA

-Corrección Book, pages 96 & 97, 6READING a) + b) + c)


-Listening multiple choice situations, FCE MACMILLAN TEST BUILDER, Page 25, Test 1, Part 1, Tracks 1.1 to 1.16

1.B   2.A   3.B   4.B   5.C   6.A   7.C   8.B

-Book, page 102, PRONUNCIATION 


-Listening from PRACTICAL ENGLISH, page 92 & 93, 2.Giving directions in a building

-Reading FC MCMLLN TSTBLER, reading matching, pages 45 & 46, test 2


Bird /bɜːd/, blood /blʌd/, bullet/ˈbʊlɪt/, burn /bɜːn/,butcher´s /ˈbʊʧəz/, charge /ʧɑːʤ/, church /ʧɜːʧ/, costume /ˈkɒstjuːm/, custom /ˈkʌstəm/, decided /dɪˈsaɪdɪd/, delicious /dɪˈlɪʃəs/, famous /ˈfeɪməs/, flood /flʌd/, heart /hɑːt/, hurt /hɜːt/, lettuce, looked /lʊkt/, minute /ˈmɪnɪt/, mountain  /ˈmaʊntɪn/, nervous /ˈnɜːvəs/, soldier /ˈsəʊlʤə/,son /sʌn/, soon /suːn/, sun /sʌn/, turn /tɜːn/, vulture, weird /wɪəd/, woman /ˈwʊmən/, women /ˈwɪmɪn/, word /wɜːd/, work /wɜːk/, world /wɜːld/

martes, 15 de marzo de 2022

Monday, 14th March 2022


-Corrección 05Reading part 3 reading gapped text OXFORD B2, “Growing vegetables in space”

1.E   2.G   3.B   4.D   5.C   6.F   A. not used

>self-sustaining = autosuficiente / autosostenible

>arugula /əˈruːɡjʊlə/ = rúcula

>spokeperson = portavoz

-A la vuelta del texto anterior tenemos un listening que os envié el 01/03/22 y que aún no hemos corregido, FCE OXFORD / LISTENING PART 4 - TEST 1 / MULTIPLE CHOICE (preguntas en la pantalla, audio y Key en ordenador)

24.B   25.A   26.B   27.C   28.A   29.C   30.A 

-Book, page 85, 3GRAMMAR, a) improvisación sobre reported speech


-Book, page 85, 3GRAMMAR, c) inverted reported speech 

-Corrección DOCUMENT 11220 sobre reported speech

-Corrección Listening from BOOK, page 92, PRACTICAL ENGLISH 5.FINDING HENRY, 1.What the clue means” (track 5.19)


-Nuevo tipo de writing: essay (ya hemos explicado previamente article + email) con FCE TARGET page 169 


-Writing: essay 100-160 words about Do you agree that community service works better than fines?

-Book, pages 96 & 97, 6READING a) + b) + c)


Bird /bɜːd/, blood /blʌd/, bullet/ˈbʊlɪt/, burn /bɜːn/,butcher´s /ˈbʊʧəz/, charge /ʧɑːʤ/, church /ʧɜːʧ/, costume /ˈkɒstjuːm/, custom /ˈkʌstəm/, decided /dɪˈsaɪdɪd/, delicious /dɪˈlɪʃəs/, famous /ˈfeɪməs/, flood /flʌd/, heart /hɑːt/, hurt /hɜːt/, lettuce, looked /lʊkt/, minute /ˈmɪnɪt/, mountain  /ˈmaʊntɪn/, nervous /ˈnɜːvəs/, soldier /ˈsəʊlʤə/,son /sʌn/, soon /suːn/, sun /sʌn/, turn /tɜːn/, vulture, woman /ˈwʊmən/, women /ˈwɪmɪn/, word /wɜːd/, work /wɜːk/, world /wɜːld/

martes, 8 de marzo de 2022

Monday, 7th March 2022


-Corrección Reading CNTRST, “Change your world”, page 85 (no ejercicios 3)

-Speaking: high school in Spain and English speaking countries? Are teenagers happy in Spain regarding their studies?

-Book, page 148, GRAMMAR BANK 9A, about reported speech, exercise 9Ab

-Th Cmbrdg Frst Crtfct  Wrkbk – Pg 26 / Open Cloze 


-05Reading part 3 reading gapped text OXFORD B2, “Growing vegetables in space”

-Listening from BOOK, page 92, PRACTICAL ENGLISH 5.FINDING HENRY, 1.What the clue means” (track 5.19)

-DOCUMENT 11220 sobre reported speech


Bird /bɜːd/, blood /blʌd/, bullet/ˈbʊlɪt/, burn /bɜːn/,butcher´s /ˈbʊʧəz/, charge /ʧɑːʤ/, church /ʧɜːʧ/, costume /ˈkɒstjuːm/, custom /ˈkʌstəm/, decided /dɪˈsaɪdɪd/, delicious /dɪˈlɪʃəs/, famous /ˈfeɪməs/, flood /flʌd/, heart /hɑːt/, hurt /hɜːt/, looked /lʊkt/, minute /ˈmɪnɪt/, mountain  /ˈmaʊntɪn/, nervous /ˈnɜːvəs/, soldier /ˈsəʊlʤə/,son /sʌn/, soon /suːn/, sun /sʌn/, turn /tɜːn/, vulture, woman /ˈwʊmən/, women /ˈwɪmɪn/, word /wɜːd/, work /wɜːk/, world /wɜːld/

martes, 1 de marzo de 2022

Monday, 28th February 2022


-Speaking in pairs: my weekend → “My mate told me…”

-Corrección Book, page 148, GRAMMAR BANK 9A, REPORTED SPEECH: ejercicio 9Aa 

1 She said (that) she couldn’t remember which exit it was.

2 He said (that) he couldn’t find his mobile.

3 They said (that) they probably wouldn’t get the message.

4 She said (that) she’d finished her exams.

5 They told us (that) the film would be on the next day.

6 He told me (that) he couldn’t stay there very long.

7 She said (that) she had to leave at 6.30.

8 They told me (that) they’d never forgotten their visit.

9 He said (that) he’d seen a man hiding in the bushes.

10 She told me (that) she didn’t really want to see him.

-Corrección -Book, page 90, 4VOCABULARY, c)

>Page 90 Exercise 4a 

  the bride 1   the (bride)groom 3   the best man 5   a bridesmaid 4   a pageboy 2

>Page 90 Exercise 4b 

The bride nearly didn’t have her wedding dress in time for the wedding.

>Page 90 Exercise 4c 

1 wedding dress   2 bride   3 ceremony   4 reception   5 guests   6 speech

-Corrección Book, page 91, 5LISTENING d), con pista de audio 5.18

Where was it? 1.Steyr, a small town in Austria. 2.Tokyo (Japan)       3.Chicago (USA)

Who were the people? 1.the bride and groom. 2.the groom. 3.the groom

What went wrong? 1.The bride said ‘No, I don’t’ instead of ‘I do’ for a joke. 2. The groom got a very bad case of wedding nerves and set fire to the hotel where the ceremony was going to take. 3.The groom was speeding and driving dangerously because he was late for his wedding. He was arrested.

Did the wedding take place? 1.No, but it will be held in March. 2.No. 3.No, it was cancelled

-Revisión de lo que hemos explicado hasta ahora del reported speech.

-Continuamos la explicación sobre reported speech: questions & commands

-Corrección FCE Target, page 58, listening 5.2, Situations 

1.A   2.B   3.A   4.C   5.A   6.C   7.B   8.A


-Th Cmbrdg Frst Crtfct  Wrkbk – Pg 26 / Open Cloze

-Book, page 148, GRAMMAR BANK 9A, REPORTED SPEECH: ejercicio 9AB



Bird /bɜːd/, blood /blʌd/, bullet/ˈbʊlɪt/, burn /bɜːn/,butcher´s /ˈbʊʧəz/, charge /ʧɑːʤ/, church /ʧɜːʧ/, costume /ˈkɒstjuːm/, custom /ˈkʌstəm/, decided /dɪˈsaɪdɪd/, delicious /dɪˈlɪʃəs/, famous /ˈfeɪməs/, flood /flʌd/, heart /hɑːt/, hurt /hɜːt/, looked /lʊkt/, minute /ˈmɪnɪt/, mountain  /ˈmaʊntɪn/, nervous /ˈnɜːvəs/, soldier /ˈsəʊlʤə/,son /sʌn/, soon /suːn/, sun /sʌn/, turn /tɜːn/, vulture, woman /ˈwʊmən/, women /ˈwɪmɪn/, word /wɜːd/, work /wɜːk/, world /wɜːld/