martes, 4 de noviembre de 2014

"The power of good-bye", by Madonna 

Your 1. _______________ is not open so I must 2. _______________,
The spell has been 3. _______________,
I loved you so.
4. _______________ comes when you 5. _______________ to let go,
6. _______________ comes when you 5. _______________ to say no.
You were my 7. _______________ I had to 5. _______________,
I was your fortress you had to 8. _______________.
Pain is a 9. _______________ that something's 10. _______________,
I pray to 11. _______________ that it won't be 12. _______________.
Do you 13. _______________ go 14. _______________?

There's 15. _______________ left to 16. _______________,
There's no 17. _______________ left to 18. _______________,
There's no 19. _______________ power than the power of 20. _______________.
Your 1. _______________ is not open so I must 2. _______________,
The spell has been 3. _______________,
I loved you so.
You were my 7. _______________ I had to 5. _______________,
I was your fortress.
There's 15. _______________ left to 21. _______________,
There's no 22. _______________ heart to 23. _______________,
There's no 19. _______________ power than the power of 20. _______________.
5. _______________ to say 20. _______________,
24. I _______________ to say 20. _______________.

There's 15. _______________ left to 16. _______________,
There's no more 25. _______________ to 18. _______________,
There's no 19. _______________ power than the power of 20. _______________.
There's 15. _______________ left to 21. _______________,
There's no 22. _______________ heart to 23. _______________,
There's no 19. _______________ power than the power of 20. _______________.

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