martes, 3 de octubre de 2017

Monday, 2nd October, 2017

-Presentación del curso y del material, enfatizando que estamos en camino hacia el B2:
*menos explicaciones de temas “grandes” de gramática, se supone que ya la sabemos y la estamos perfilando
*sensación de “aprendo menos”
-Reading comprehensión + speaking: el primer día de clase.
-Canción: “Frozen”, Madonna: no la hemos terminado, estamos por la mitad, nos toca la palabra 20.
VOCABULARY: you should check quizlet!


-Ejercicio de traducción de frases a inglés, utilizando los verbos modales (enviado por email)

Infinitive: afford, agree, allow + object + to infinitive (allow me to go), appear, ask, begin (in non-continuous tenses, you can either use a gerund or an infinitive), begin (in continuous tenses, with infinitive), claim, decide, demand, expect, forget, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, manage, mean, need, offer, persuade, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, try, wait, want, would like, would prefer.

Gerund: admit, allow, avoid, begin (in non-continuous tenses, you can either use a gerund or an infinitive), can´t stand, consider, deny, discuss, don´t feel like, doesn´t / don´t mind, hate, enjoy, imagine, involve, keep, like, look forward to, love, mention, miss, need, practice, prefer, quite like, recall, recommend, regret, risk, spend, stop, suggest, understand,

Bare infinitive: had better, make, modal verbs, would rather, help


Opinion + size + age + shape + colour + pattern + material + nationality

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