domingo, 8 de octubre de 2017

"Frozen", by Madonna: our first song this 2017/18 course

Here you have the exercise with Madonna´s "Frozen", in case you would like to practise once more.

You only 1. ________ what your 2. ________ want to 1. ________
How can 3. ________ be what you 4. ________ it to be.
You're 5. ________ when your 6. ________'s not 7. ________
You're 8. ________ consumed with 9. ________ 10. ________ you get
You 11. ________ your time with 12. ________ and regret
You're 5. ________ when your 6. ________'s not 7. ________

Mmmmmmm... If I 13. ________ 14. ________ your 15. ________
Mmmmmmm... We'd 16. ________ be 17. ________.
Give 18. ________ to me,
Mmmmmmm... You are the 19.
Now there's no 20. ________ in placing the 21. ________
And you 22. ________ know I'd 23. ________ the same
If I 24. ________ you, my heart 25. ________ 26. ________ broken
Love is a 27. ________, she needs to 28. ________
Let all the 29. ________ inside of you 30. ________
You're 5. ________ when your 6. ________'s not 7. ________

You only 1. ________ what your 2. ________ want to 1. ________
How can 3. ________ be what you 4. ________ it to be.
You're 5. ________ when your 6. ________'s not 7. ________



If I 13. ________ 14. ________ your 15. ________

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