sábado, 11 de abril de 2020

ONE DAY AT A TIME, season 1, episode 9 (Netflix)

One Day at a Time Season 1 Episode 91.Why does Schneider take one extra chair to Penelope´s apartment?

2.What´s the new information Schneider receive about Che Guevara from the Cuban family?
3.Who and why said the sentence: “Remember me?”

4.What´s “The voices of tomorrow”?

5.Why is Columbia a better option than Harvard when talking about Elena´s studies at University?

6.According to Lydia, who is going wear a necklace with Alex´s teeth?

7.What was Penelope crazy unrealistic dream?

8.What does it mean Elena is a “diversity candidate” in “The voices of tomorrow”?

9.What is “Pedro Pan kids”?

10.How could Lydia take more clothing when she came to the United States from Cuba?

11.Who was Blanca?

12.What didn´t Lydia do when she was at the airport? Why?

13.Does Lydia regret for having left Cuba?

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