jueves, 30 de enero de 2020

Homework: "One day at a time" (Netflix), season 1, episode 1

Resultado de imagen de one day at a time season 1 chapter 1Here you have the questions you have to answer for next Monday. You will find some more homework in our blog, but take into account that this about "One day at a time" is the most important task: we may not have enough time to correct the rest, so focus on this. And enjoy!!

(season 1, episode 1)
1.Why does Carl (Penelope´s patient) smoke “Virginia Slims”?
2.Explain who these characters are: Alex, Schneider and Elena
3.What´s the problem between Abuelita and Elena?
4.What is a “quinces”?
5.What´s the Spanish word Elena doesn´t know, but Alex does?
6.When would you say the sentence “God rest his / her soul?
7.What does Alex want to buy online?
8.How long has Penelope and her family been living in Schneider´s building?
9.Who said the sentences: “Jesus and Santa were cousins. Everybody knows this”?
10.How do you say in English…?
-Enjuague bucal:

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