jueves, 15 de febrero de 2018

Wednesday, 14th February 2018

-Corrección Transformations (photocopy page 22)
1.not nearly as/so difficult
2.not as/so many girls
3.least comfortable chair in
4.I smoke, the more
5.lives further/farther (away) from
6.did much worse than
7.not earn as/so much as
8.the cleverest person I have/I´ve
-Corrección Book, page 28, ejercicio d) de vocabulario sobre los textos leídos:
1 In fact    2 reduce    3 tend to    4 slightly    5 whereas         6 claim    7 according to    8 range from    9 almost       10 been sceptical of
-DVD, PRACTICAL ENGLISH, “A difficult celebrity”,
1Rob´s interview (2.28)

VOCABULARY: you should check Quizlet!

above /əˈbʌv/, ache /eɪk/, although /ɔːlˈðəʊ/, blood /blʌd/, carbohydrate /ˈkɑːbəʊˈhaɪdreɪt/, dessert /dɪˈzɜːt/, flood /flʌd/, mountain /ˈmaʊntɪn/, private /ˈpraɪvɪt/, roughly
/ˈrʌflɪ/, scene /siːn/, sure /ʃʊə/, women/ˈwɪmɪn/, vulture /ˈvʌlʧə/

-Book, page 29, ejercicioa)  de la sección 2GRAMMAR,
sobre el uso del artículo.
-Reading multiple matching “Say it with you hands” + ejercicios 1 & 2 de vocabulario


Infinitive: afford, agree, allow + object + to infinitive (allow me to go), appear, ask, begin (in non-continuous tenses, you can either use a gerund or an infinitive), begin (in continuous tenses, with infinitive), claim, decide, demand, expect, forget, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, manage, mean, need, offer, persuade, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, try, wait, want, would like, would prefer.

Gerund: admit, allow, avoid, begin (in non-continuous tenses, you can either use a gerund or an infinitive), can´t stand, consider, deny, discuss, don´t feel like, doesn´t / don´t mind, hate, enjoy, imagine, involve, keep, like, look forward to, love, mention, miss, need, practice, prefer, quite like, recall, recommend, regret, risk, spend, stop, suggest, understand,

Bare infinitive: had better, make, modal verbs, would rather, help

Opinion + size + age + shape + colour + pattern + material + nationality

Agree, be, believe, belong, depend, forget, hate, hear, know, like, love, mater, mean, need, prefer, realize, recognize, remember, seem, suppose

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