lunes, 27 de noviembre de 2017

Wednesday, 27th November 2017

-Corregir homework FCE MACMILLAN WORKBOOK Reading Multiple Choice “Meals on wheels”, pages 90 & 91.
-Revisión de vocabulario y fonética.
-Book, page 19, 2GRAMMAR: present perfect + for / since and present perfect continuous
-Book, page 135, GRAMMAR BANK 2: present perfect + for / since and present perfect continuous
-Book, page 18, speaking: about the title and describing the pictures.

VOCABULARY: you should check Quizlet!

although /ɔːlˈðəʊ/ - carbohydrate /ˈkɑːbəʊˈhaɪdreɪt/ -dessert /dɪˈzɜːt/ - private /ˈpraɪvɪt/ - scene /siːn/, sure /ʃʊə/ - women /ˈwɪmɪn/

-Book, page 135, ejercicios 2Ba + 2Bb sobre present perfect + for / since and present perfect continuous


Infinitive: afford, agree, allow + object + to infinitive (allow me to go), appear, ask, begin (in non-continuous tenses, you can either use a gerund or an infinitive), begin (in continuous tenses, with infinitive), claim, decide, demand, expect, forget, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, manage, mean, need, offer, persuade, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, try, wait, want, would like, would prefer.

Gerund: admit, allow, avoid, begin (in non-continuous tenses, you can either use a gerund or an infinitive), can´t stand, consider, deny, discuss, don´t feel like, doesn´t / don´t mind, hate, enjoy, imagine, involve, keep, like, look forward to, love, mention, miss, need, practice, prefer, quite like, recall, recommend, regret, risk, spend, stop, suggest, understand,

Bare infinitive: had better, make, modal verbs, would rather, help

Opinion + size + age + shape + colour + pattern + material + nationality

Agree, be, believe, belong, depend, forget, hate, hear, know, like, love, mater, mean, need, prefer, realize, recognize, remember, seem, suppose

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