miércoles, 15 de abril de 2015

13/04/2015, Monday

-Comentarios sobre examen PET:
>fecha recomendada (13/06)
>puntuación total, no por partes, superior al 70%
>blog: consejos sobre la segunda parte que empezaremos a practicar las próximas semanas. Ya están puestos los consejos de la profesora, próximamente estarán las grabaciones modelos de exámenes reales
-Enviado material para traer imprimido a clase el próximo miércoles 15/04/2015: dos listenings 
> Richmond PET Practice Tests / CD 3 / Track 2 / Part 2 / Page 108 / Listening Multiple choice, “DIARY”
>PET Richmond, Listening Complete information, Part 3CD 1, Track 7, Part 3, Page 43, Listening “STREET DANCE”
-Corrección PET Burlington, Reading T/F, page 14, “Chasing tornadoes”
-Corrección PET Oxford, reading T/F, page 26-27, “Courses on the internet”
-Corrección NEIP, page 144, Future forms.
-Corrección del ejercicio A de NEFP, page 145, Present Perfect + Past Simple, faltan ejercicios B y c
Above, actually, afford (to), allow (to), another + singular noun, another one, apply (to), argue (to), argument, as well (as), attend (to), average, avoid, bark (to), be careful (to), be keen on something (to), be scared of (to), become independent (to), bone, book (to), both, branch, break down (to), briefcase, bride, bridesmaid, brochure, bucket, bunch of flowers, busy, by heart, chain, Chemistry, close, closer, clue, come of age, compulsory, cosy (=acogedor), curly, dead, death, deliver (to), delivery, depend on (to), die (to), do crafts (to), do karate (to), doll, doubt, drawer, due to, each other, else, even, event, eventually, exhibition, fan, figure, find out, fireworks, fix (to), flat tyre, flood, fortress, give someone a lift (to), lighthouse, gonna + infinit. sin to, goods, harbor, helmet, hint, hire (to), hold on (to), hoover, how far?, long?, I´d rather + bare infinitive, instead of, guilty, headline, jealous, kite, kitten, knit (to), lack of, land (to), laptop, lately, lawyer, leaflet, lobster, look after (to), look for (to), look like (to), look up (to), mate, mend (to), mice, mill, never mind, newsagent, nightmare, not at all, other + plural noun, oven, paragliding, pay attention to  (to), pensioner, powerboat, pray (to), queue, real-estate, really = very, reject (to), relative, rollercoaster, row, run a business (to), scarf, selfish, sideburn, signature, skyscraper, so far, speak to, spell, spoil-spoiled/spoilt-spoiled/spoilt, stage, subject, sunbathe, sweep-swept-swept, take care (to), take off (to), talk to (to), tear, the Internet, the other one, the whole + noun, thief, threat, throat, tidy, tiny, tip, ugly, upload (to), used to, vacuum, wanna + infinit. sin to, warning, wavy, weapon, wedding dress, wheelchair, whether, whisker, wildlife, wire, would you be so kind as to…?, wrist

- Clothes /kləʊðz/ - cost /kɒst/ - dollar / ˈdɒlə/ - done /dʌn/ - honest / ˈɒnɪst/ - loan /ləʊn/ - money /ˈmʌnɪ/ - note /nəʊt/ - nothing /ˈnʌθɪŋ/  - owe /əʊ/ - shopping / ˈʃɒpɪŋ/ - some /sʌm/ - sold /səʊld/ - won /wʌn/ - worry /ˈwʌrɪ/
- The thin ´mother thought about that theatre  ə θɪn ˈmʌðə θɔːt əˈbaʊt ðæt ˈθɪətə/
- Cook /kʊk/ - food /fuːd/ - fruit /fruːt/ - good /gʊd/ - juice /ʤuːs/ -  took  /tʊk/- soup /suːp/ - Spoon /spuːn/ - sugar /ˈʃʊgə/ - book/bʊk/
- Beer /bɪə/ - bear /beə/ - beard /bɪəd/
- Bird / bɜːd /- birthday /ˈbɜːθdeɪ/ - learn /lɜːn/
- /ɔː/    /ɜː/   -  Ball /bɔːl/ - serve /sɜːv/ - caught /kɔːt/ - world /wɜːld/ - draw /drɔː/ - fought /fɔːt/ - hurt /hɜːt/ - sport /spɔːt/ - shirt /ʃɜːt/ - warm /wɔːm/ - worse /wɜːs/ - court /kɔːt/- word /wɜːd/  - work /wɜːk/
- air  /eə/

-PET Oxford, Transformations page 13.
-PET Burlington, Cloze, page 18, “Journeys school”.

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