jueves, 29 de enero de 2015

This was our exam!

NAME: ________________________________  DATE: ________

MARK: ________

SECTION I – LISTENING ( 32  points)

1. Write the missing words from this song. We are going to listen twice (7x2=14 points)

You 1._________ my lesson I had to learn,
I 2.____________ your fortress you had to 8. burn.
3.____________ is a warning that something's wrong,
I pray to God that it 4._____________ be  long.
Do you wanna 5.___________higher?

There's nothing 6.___________ to try,
There's no place 6.__________ to hide,
There's no greater 7._____________ than the 7.____________ of good-bye.

2. You will hear a boy called Mark, and a girl called Heidi, talking about a film festival. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect.
If it is correct put a tick in the box under A for YES. If it is not correct, put a tick in the box under B for NO. (6x3=18 points)
                                                                                                          A                     B
20.Heidi was looking forward to attending the film festival.        □       □
21.Heidi had problems deciding which film to review.                  □       □
22.Mark finds writing about bad films difficult.                             □       □
23.Mark is able to guess what happens in Rasmus.                        □       □

24.Mark and Heidi agree that an original story is more
important than realistic characters.                                              □       □
25.Heidi thinks that audiences of all ages would enjoy Rasmus.   □       □



Prestar atención


Ramo de flores


Quiosco, venta de prensa


También (too, also)


De memoria










Tejer, hacer punto

SECTION III – READING  (5x5=25 points)

Read the text and questions below. For each question, mark the correct letter A, B, C, or D.

Anna Sharp, actor

Anna Sharp left school just after her 16th birthday two years ago. At the time she hoped to find a job within a few weeks, but even now though she applied for various jobs, six months later she was still unemployed.

Then one day she was standing on the platform at her local station having a terrible argument with her boyfriend, screaming at him and crying at the same time. Her train arrived and she got on without him, followed by a woman who was also waiting for the same train. The woman sat down beside Anna and introduced herself as a film director. She was looking for a girl to play the main role in her new film.

“I really didn´t believe it. I thought yeah – right, forget that”, says Anna, who is now 18. “She asked me for my phone number, but I didn´t tell my parents what had happened. Anyway a week later she rang me, and asked me to go to a meeting at a film studio”.

There were two further meetings before she as finally offered the part of a difficult teenager who lives with her mother and young brother and occasionally gets into trouble at school. “She´s a really horrible girl”, says Anna, “but she doesn´t mean to be rude and selfish to her family, and what she really wants is to feel loved”.

Looking back to her time at school, Anna didn´t know what she wanted to do. She liked the idea of drama but, like many people of her own age, didn´t think it could eve become her job. “I always watched films and wished I could be famous, but I was too shy and embarrassed to act in front of everyone at school”.

21.What is the writer´s main purpose in writing the text?

A.to describe what it´s like to be a teenager.
B.to complain about how hard it is to become an actor.
C.to suggest ways to meet film directors.
D.to explain how one teenager was lucky.

22.A film director first became interested in Anna when she

A.saw Anna talking to her boyfriend on a train.
B.heard Anna shouting at her boyfriend.
C.spoke to Anna on a station platform.
D.met Anna as she got off a train.

23.How did Anna feel after her meeting with the film director?


24.What kind of teenager does Anna play in the film?

A.someone who never goes to school.
B.someone who loves her brother.
C.someone who has a few problems.
D.someone who wants everything.

25.What might Anna say now about her acting career?

A.I had no idea I´d have a chance to appear in films when I had no acting experience at all.
B.I know it´s taken me a long time to get noticed in a film, but I´m glad I went to drama school for experience.
C.The opportunity to learn about acting when I was at school was brilliant preparation for being in films.
D.It´s a good idea to hang around film studios because people are always looking for new faces.

SECTION IV – GRAMMAR  ( 3x10=30points)

Choose the best option:

1.This is the _____ story I have heard.

a)more boring             b)most boring             c)boringest

2.I don´t like this one because it is _____ than the other.

a)the worse                b)the worst                 c)worse

3.You _____ study everyday if you want to progress.

a)has to                       b)must            c)mustn´t       d)don´t have to

4.She would like that, but _____ pay for her lunch every time you go out with her.

a)don´t have to          b)must            c)have to        d)mustn´t

5.I have thought carefully, and I have decided it: I _____ in that school to learn English.

a)will register             b)am going to register            c)registered

6.What?? Is he coming tomorrow?? I _____ to pick him up!

a)will go                      b)am going to             c)don´t have to

7.He wants to buy a new car because _____ is very old.

a)he                            b)him                          c)his

8.We would like to have a flat like _____

a)yours                        b)your                         c)them

9.My sister´s new job is very interesting, much more _____ the previous one.

a)the                           b)than                         c)as

10.Last year I _____ my wallet, and this year I ___ my keys!

a)loose-have lost        b)have lost-lost          c)lost-have lost      d)didn´t lost-have lost

SECTION V – PHONETICS  (3x6=18 points)

Write the phonetic transcription for the following words:

-fruit                                                              -sugar

-done                                                             -thought

-mother                                                          -money

SECTION VI – WRITING  (25 points)

You have just repainted a room in your home, and bought some new furniture. You want your English friend Sam to come and see the room.

Write an email to Sam. In your email, you should:

-tell Sam what your room looks like now

-say why you wanted to make changes in the room

-invite Sam to visit you

 Write 35-45 words.

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