miércoles, 15 de mayo de 2013

13/05/2013 (Bruce Springsteen)


You and me we 1. __________ the pretenders, we let it all slip away.
In the 2. __________ what you don't surrender, well the 3. __________ just strips away.
Girl, aint no kindness in the 4. __________ of strangers,
Aint gonna find no 5. __________ here.
Well you can 6. __________ on your blesses, my 7. __________.
I got a 8. __________ for you right here: I aint looking for praise or 9. __________,
I aint coming round 10. __________ for a crutch,
I 11. __________ want someone to 12. __________ to
And a 13. __________ of that 14. __________ 15. __________.
11. __________ a 13. __________ of that 14. __________ 15. __________.
Aint no mercy on the 16. __________ of this 17. __________,
Aint no 18. __________ from heavenly skies,
Aint nobody drawing 19. __________ from this 20. __________,
It´s just you and me 21. __________.
Tell me, in a 3. __________ without 9. __________,
Do you 22. __________ what I´m asking´s too much?
I 11. __________ want to 23. __________ you in my arms,
24. __________ a 13. __________ of that 14. __________ 15. __________.
24. __________ a 13. __________ of that 14. __________ 15. __________.
Oh girl, that 24. __________ of safety you prize
Well it comes at a 25. __________ 25. __________ price.
You can't shut off the risk and the 26. __________
Without losing the 27. __________ that remains.
Were all riders on this 28. __________.
So you´ve been 29. __________ and you´ve been 30. __________,
Show me 31. __________ who aint.
Yeah, I know I aint 32. __________ bargain,
But, hell, a little touch up and a little 33. __________...
You might need something to 34. __________ on to
When all the 35. __________ they don't amount to much,
Somebody you could just to 12. __________ to
And a 13. __________ of that 14. __________ 15. __________.
Baby, in a 3. __________ without 9. __________,
Do you 22. __________ what I´m asking´s too much?
I 11. __________ want to 23. __________ you in my arms,
24. __________ a 13. __________ of that 14. __________ 15. __________. (TWICE)
23. __________ a 13. __________ of that 14. __________ 15. __________. (TWICE)
24. __________ a 13. __________ of that 14. __________ 15. __________.
23. __________ a 13. __________ of that 14. __________ 15. __________.
36. __________ me a 13. __________ of that 14. __________ 15. __________.
36. __________ you a 13. __________ of that 14. __________ 15. __________.

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