miércoles, 2 de mayo de 2012

First part

Last Monday we watched the film Net and I try to explain first part.
The main actresss is Sandra Bullock and she call in the film Angela. She infiltrates in a building look like a huge office. She is searching a computer empty and she found it. Suddenly the telephone rung and she answered the phone. She talked with ''False Angela'' and she discover that Angela is infiltrated in the office then, Angela turn on the fire alarm in the building, and employees have to leave the building. Angela discovered in computer information about her false, and she tried delete it. On the other hand, False Angela is so nervious, she knows what happen in the building, she talked whit firefighter and says '' The building hasn't fire ,there's no smoke ''..
And suddenly loudspeaker rang , They could come back to building. And Angela need to escape.
The second part writes Alberto.

See you today, bye!


1 comentario:

  1. - the fim Net = THE FILM THE NET
    - she call in the film = SHE IS CALLED IN THE FILM
    - in a building look like = IN A BUILDING THAT LOOKS LIKE
    - searching a computer empty = SEARCHING FOR AN EMPTY COMPUTER
    - she discover = SHE DISCOVERS
    - discovered in a computer information about her false and she tried delete it = DISCOVERED IN A COMPUTER INFORMATION ABOUT HER FALSE AND TRIED TO DELETE IT
    - she knows what happen = SHE KNOWS WHAT IS HAPPENING
    - whit = WITH
    - come back to building = COME BACK TO THE BUILDING
