miércoles, 31 de enero de 2024

Monday, 29th January 2024


-Comprobación sobre el material enviado la semana pasada (V1+V2 & conectores)

-”Manage to” como sinónimo de “can”

-Corrección atrasada del  reading from EFPinkWrkbk, page 12 & 13, reading “Twitter and travel”

1.B   2.A   3.C   4.A   5.B   6.C

-Book, page 154, VOCABULARY BANK, 2)about phrasal verbs como antesala al ejercicio de preposiciones siguiente

-Book, page 30, 5GRAMMAR prepositions, a)

-Book, page 30, 5GRAMMAR prepositions, b)

-Revisión del uso de adjetivos terminados en -ed y en -ing

-Book, page 28, 3LISTENING&SPEAKING: antes de corregir el listening que teníamos como HM vamos a escuchar la primera parte de esta entrevista: ejercicio b), track 2.18.

-Corrección Book, page 29, 3LISTENING&SPEAKING c): part 2, con track




-FCE GOLD PLUS - Page 123 – Listening SITUATIONS - CD 2 TRACK 6 - Model from exam

-FCE GOLD PLUS, page 09, multiple choice cloze, “Movie monsters”

-Book, page 30, 5GRAMMAR prepositions, d)sobre posición de la preposición

martes, 23 de enero de 2024

Monday, 22nd January 2024


-Comments & question about writings.

-Book, page 115, a)speaking about the pictures

-Book, page 115, b)reading heading and matching to photos:

-Book, page 115, c)think with a partner para escribir un article

-Explicación/revisión: V1+V2 & cómo hacer la negación de INFINITIVO, INFINITIVO SIN TO & GERUNDIO

-Vero explica las diferencias entre essay (que no hemos visto este año) y article: FCE TARGET page 170.

-Revisamos check list para writing: strong adjectives, deducción must / can´t, finalidad (to / in order to / so as to / so that), I WANT YOU TO GO, comparativos, used to+usually+be used to, to + gerund (look forward to), condicionales, pasivas, modales,...

-Revisión del a estructura I WANT YOU TO GO, relaciónandolo con V1+V2: GRMMR N S Rd, ejercicio 53.2 

-Corrección listening to be completed, from Challenge 4 / CD 3  / Track 5 / Page 76: Prince Charming

I was 1. SIXTEEN and I had an awful social life, I just didn't seem to fit in with the other 2. TEENAGERS and as for boys, it didn't look like I would ever go on a 3. DATE.

Then I saw an 4. ADVERT for the Internet chat room, the 4. ADVERT said I could meet boys from all over the 5. WORLD, I thought I had nothing to lose. The chat room was great, I could be 6. ANYONE I wanted to be and I could say whatever I wanted without 7. EMBARRASSING myself. I met lots of friends on the Internet and I felt that my life had never been 8. BETTER.

Then I received a 9. MESSAGE from a person called “prince charming, he asked me about my ASL. ASL means age, sex, location. I replied to him that it was sixteen, 10. FEMALE, London. He told me that he was also sixteen and that he liked football and rock music, he said that he was tall, 11. BLOND, brown-eyed and slim.

We chatted for hours everyday and we started 12. SENDING emails as well, I have never met a boy that I could talk to so 13. EASILY, so when he finally asked me to meet him, I agreed and we set a date for five pm that 14. SAME day.

I asked my sister Brenda to come with me and it's 15. LUCKY that I did. We had arranged to meet at a music shop, Brenda and I were 16. LOOKING at CDS when a middle-aged man approached me. "I'm prince charming" the man said. I couldn't 17. BELIEVE my eyes, instead of the gorgeous sixteen year old that I expected to meet, a man older than my 18. FATHER was staring at me, Brenda pulled my 19. ARM and we ran out of the shop. The man followed us but when he 20. SAW a police officer coming our way, he vanished.

When I got home I told my 21. PARENTS what It happened, they were furious with me for 22. MEETING someone from an internet chatroom.

I was so 23. HAPPY to be safe.


-Book, page 29, 3LISTENING&SPEAKING c): part 2, con track 2.19

-Writing an article 150-190 words about THE IMPORTANCE OF MOBILE PHONES or about exercise d) from page 115 in our book

martes, 16 de enero de 2024

Monday, 15th January 2024


-Corrección Book, page 30, 6 READING b)reading for headings


-Book, page 30, 6 READING c)matching

-Book, page 30, 6 READING d)vocabulary

-Speaking picture description from PICTURES TO BE DESCRIBED:

one student describe, and the others draw what they understand

-Corrección Book, page 31, 7 LISTENING a)con track 2.23

-Corrección Book, page 31, 7 LISTENING b)también con track



bear /bear/, beard /biard/, beer /biar/, bird (berd/, blood /blad/,

butcher /buchar/, deaf /def/, drawer /droo/, famous /feɪmas/,

flood /flad/, future /fiuchar/ heart /hɑaat/, hurt /hert/,

husband /hasband/, literature /lítrechar/,lice /lais/, louse /laus/,

month /manz/, mice /mais/, minute /minit/, museum /miusíam/,

nature /neichar/, orange /orinch/, scene /siin/, tough /taf/,

village /vilich/, woman /wuman/, women /wimin/, word /werd/,

world /werld/, work /werk/


-Reading from EFPinkWrkbk, page 12 & 13, reading “Twitter and travel”

-Listening to be completed, from Chllng 4 / CD 3  / Track 5 / Page 76: Prince Charming

miércoles, 10 de enero de 2024

Monday, 8th January 2024



-Corrección examen EVAY “Dragons” + comentarios sobre los writings (Vero + Gabriel, que envió el de ANOTHER WORLD y después el de DRAGONS: no enviar un writing hasta no haber recibido la corrección del anterior).


 Of all the mythological creatures, few have captured the human imagination as much as the dragon. It appears in the literature and legends of cultures as diverse as China, Japan, Iran, the Mayans, classical Greece, Rome, Judaism, the Babylonians, ancient Egypt, and medieval Europe.

These fascinating creatures have taken different forms and qualities in the mythologies of different cultures throughout history. To the Chinese, a dragon was an immensily wise animal which brought good luck. But for the Norsemen of Scandinavia, it was an evil, terrifying and treacherous monster. And to the ancient Greeks, the dragon was often a creature of intelligence and virtue – and might be found guarding shrines dedicated to the gods. All these dragons do have some things in common, however. They tend to be shown with huge bat-like wings, long toothed jaws like a crocodile, piercing eyes, sharp eagle-like talons and huge scaly bodies – and they can often breathe fire. Another common point is that they´re always creatures of immense power and strength.

But where do dragons come from? The creatures they most resemble, in size and shape, are dinosaurs – but since the last dinosaurs died out tens of millions of years before the first humans ever appeared, that seems an unlikely source of inspiration. One theory is that the earliest humans may have evolved when huge lizards – smaller than dinosaurs, but larger than anything known today – were still around. Another theory is that the dragon represents something submerged in the human subconscious. It´s fun to speculate, but nobody knows for sure.


1. Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. No marks are given for only True or False.

a)   Dragons in China are considered to have a positive influence on

people´s life. TRUE

b)  Dragons in different cultures do not physically resemble one another.


2.  In your own words and based on the ideas from the text, answer the following questions:

  a)  How do dragons appear in European cultures?

b)  Is there any connection between dragons and dinosaurs? Explain.


 3. Find the WORDS in the text that mean:

  a) clever (paragraph 2)     WISE

  b) keeping (paragraph 2)    GUARDING

  c) look like (paragraph 3) RESEMBLE

  d) hidden (paragraph 3)     SUBMERGED

4. Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word  in brackets when given:

a) Dragons HAVE FORMED (form) a part of human mythology since long ago. One only has to consult ancient texts TO KNOW (know) that this is true.

b) In China the dragon IS SEEN (see) as a wise and lucky animal while Greek people were afraid of it BECAUSE of its evil and terrifying reputation.

c) The Komodo Dragon is the world´s LARGEST (large) living lizard although there are some species of reptile, such as the crocodile, that are much BIGGER (big).  

d) Rewrite the following sentence in reported speech with the words given: “Dragons have played an important role in my life” Steven Spielberg said.


-Grammar: en la última clase apareció la estructura I WANT HIM TO GO, y la estuvimos explicando > Recordamos esa estructura y la vinculamos con V1 + V2. > Dentro de los V1 + V2 que llevan infinitivo con TO está el verbo WANT > analizamos WANT TO con un sujeto y WANT TO con dos sujetos

-GRAMMAR IN USE Red, 53.1 sobre esta estructura


bear /bear/, beard /biard/, beer /biar/, bird (berd/, blood /blad/, butcher /buchar/, deaf /def/, drawer /droo/, famous /feɪmas/ ,flood /flad/, future /fiuchar/ heart /hɑaat/, hurt /hert/, husband /hasband/, literature /lítrechar/,lice /lais/, louse /laus/, month /manz/, mice /mais/, minute /minit/, museum /miusíam/, nature /neichar/, orange /orinch/, scene /siin/, tough /taf/, village /vilich/, woman /wuman/, women /wimin/, word /werd/, world /werld/, work /werk/


-Book, page 30, 6 READING b)reading for headings + c)matching + d)vocabulary

-Book, page 31, 7 LISTENING a)con track 2.23 + b)también con track 2.23

domingo, 7 de enero de 2024

See you again!

We are going to resume classes tomorrow, at the usual time, 8:30 pm. Looking forward to meeting you again!