martes, 29 de junio de 2021

Monday, 28th June, 2021


-Terminamos corrección de FCE OXFORD, OPEN CLOZE, “London marathon” (desde número 12) 12.own   13.when   14.too   16.could

 -Explicación sobre el us de SUCH en el texto anterior, en la pregunta 11:

"Such" can be combined with an adjective and a noun to show extremes. This form is often used in exclamations. Examples:

>Don has such a big house! I think it's a little ridiculous.

>Shelly has such beautiful eyes! I have never seen that shade of blue before.

-Corrección Book, page 77, 7LISTENING&SPEAKING, track 4.32 para ejercicio c)

1.F   2.F   3.T   4.T   5.F   6.T   7.T   8.F   9.F



-Open Cloze from FCE GOLD PLUS, page 52, “A very overdue book”

jueves, 24 de junio de 2021

Wednesday, 23rd June 2021


-Book, page 163, VOCABULARY BANK 

-Book, page 77, 7LISTENING&SPEAKING, track 4.32 para ejercicio c)

lunes, 21 de junio de 2021

Monday, 21rst June 2021


-Corrección PET RICHMOND 2020, Reading, gapped text, pages 10 + 11, Test 1

16.F  17.A  18.D  19.H  20.C

 -Corrección Book, page 146, GRAMMAR BANK 8A, about causative passive: teoría + ejercicios 8Aa + 8Ab

Book page 146, Exercise a

1 Have you ever had your eyes tested?

2 We don’t need to have the roof repaired.

3 I would never have my teeth whitened.

4 She advised me not to have my hair dyed.

5 It’s too expensive to have the carpets replaced.

6 He´s going to have his passport photo taken professionally.

7 My children had their faces painted at the festival.

8 We need to have the oil checked.

9 I had my car cleaned while I was doing the shopping.

10 I want to have my legs waxed before going on holiday.


Book, page 146 Exercise b

1 She needs to have her car serviced.

2 He’s having his front door replaced.

3 He’s having a new battery put in.

4 They should have their windows cleaned.

5 She ought to have her eyes checked.

6 He doesn’t want to have his photo taken.

7 She’s having her portrait painted.

8 He wants to have his suit dry-cleaned

-Book, page 76, 5, PRONUNCIATION



-FCE OXFORD, OPEN CLOZE, “London marathon”

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2021

Wednesday, 17th June 2021


-APTIS Listening Test 2


-Listening from FCE Macmillan Testbuilder, Page 104, Test 4, Part 1, Tracks 2.23-2.38

-EFPinkWrkbkk, pages 66-67, Reading multiple choice, “Exams”, ejercios a) y b) de la sección 3READING

lunes, 14 de junio de 2021

Monday, 14th June 2021


-Corrección EFOrangePhotoc.Grammar, page 161 sobre INF. & GERUND (V1+V2), ejerc.a) desde frase 12 hasta 22.

-Speaking APTIS 1 y 4.

-Reading con explotación gramática, de vocabulario y de comprensión. También uno de los dos writings sugeridos. From CONTRAST 2, Page 88, “April Fool´s Day”


-PET RICHMOND 2020, Reading, gapped text, pages 10 + 11, Test 1

miércoles, 9 de junio de 2021

Wednesday, 9th June 2021


-Page 88, Reading “April Fool´s Day”: all the exercises + one of the suggested writtings (WORD attachment).

lunes, 7 de junio de 2021

miércoles, 2 de junio de 2021

Wednesday, 2nd June


-Book, page 110 + 111, reading  8A “Hot or cold” con preguntas de ejercicio c + glossary

-FCE Target, page 58, listening 5.2, Situations

-Open cloze, FCE TARGET, page 69, “Home gym?”