1. __________ boy child 2. __________
Christ was 3. __________ on Christmas Day
And then 4. __________ live 5. ______________ because of Christmas Day
And then 4. __________ live 5. ______________ because of Christmas Day
time 6.__________ in Bethlehem so the Holy 7.__________ said
1. __________ boy child 2. __________
Christ was 3. __________ on Christmas Day
Hark, now 8. __________ the angels sing a 9. __________ was 3. __________ today
And 10. __________ will live 5. ______________ because of Christmas Day
Hark, now 8. __________ the angels sing a 9. __________ was 3. __________ today
And 10. __________ will live 5. ______________ because of Christmas Day
__________ boy child 2. __________ Christ was 3. __________
on Christmas Day
While 11.__________ watch their 12.__________ by night
They see a bright new 13.__________ star
While 11.__________ watch their 12.__________ by night
They see a bright new 13.__________ star
They hear a 14.__________ sing a song
The 15.__________ seemed to come from
now 8. __________ the angels sing a 9. __________ was 3. __________
And 10. __________ will live 5. ______________ because of Christmas Day
And 10. __________ will live 5. ______________ because of Christmas Day
For a moment the 17.__________
was a glow, all the 18.__________ rang out
There were 19.__________ of joy and laughter. People 20.__________
"Let everyone know, there is 21.__________ for all to find peace"
There were 19.__________ of joy and laughter. People 20.__________
"Let everyone know, there is 21.__________ for all to find peace"
And then they 22.__________ a
little nook in a 23.__________ all forlorn
And in a manger cold and 24.__________
1.__________ little boy was 3. __________
now 8. __________ the angels sing a 9. __________ was 3. __________
And 10. __________ will live 5. ______________ because of Christmas Day
And 10. __________ will live 5. ______________ because of Christmas Day
__________ boy child 2. __________ Christ was 3. __________
on Christmas Day
Oh my 25.__________, You sent your 26.__________ to 27.__________ us
Oh my 25.__________, Your very 28.__________ you 29.__________ us
Oh my 25.__________, that 30.__________ may not enslave us
And love may reign 31.__________ more
Oh my 25.__________, You sent your 26.__________ to 27.__________ us
Oh my 25.__________, Your very 28.__________ you 29.__________ us
Oh my 25.__________, that 30.__________ may not enslave us
And love may reign 31.__________ more
Oh my 25.__________ (So praise
the Lord) They had become to doubt you
Oh my 25.__________ (He is the truth forever) what did they know about you
Oh my 25.__________ (So praise the Lord) but they were lost without you
They 32.__________ you so bad (His light is shining on us)
Oh my 25.__________ (He is the truth forever) what did they know about you
Oh my 25.__________ (So praise the Lord) but they were lost without you
They 32.__________ you so bad (His light is shining on us)
Oh my 25.__________(So praise the Lord)with
the child's adoration
Oh my 25.__________(He is a personation)there came great jubilation
Oh my 25. __________ (So praise the Lord) and full of admiration
They realized what they 33. __________ (Until the sun falls from the sky)
Oh my 25.__________(He is a personation)there came great jubilation
Oh my 25. __________ (So praise the Lord) and full of admiration
They realized what they 33. __________ (Until the sun falls from the sky)
Oh my
25.__________ (Oh praise the Lord) You sent your 26.__________ to
27.__________ us
Oh my 25.__________(This day will live forever)
Your very 28.__________ you 29.__________ us
Oh my 25.__________(This day will live forever)
Your very 28.__________ you 29.__________ us
Oh my 25. __________ (So
praise the Lord) and full of admiration
They realized what they 33. __________ (Until the sun falls from the sky)
They realized what they 33. __________ (Until the sun falls from the sky)
Oh my 25. __________ (So
praise the Lord) and full of admiration
They realized what they 33. __________ (Until the sun falls from the sky)
They realized what they 33. __________ (Until the sun falls from the sky)
Ache /eɪk/, caught /kɔːt/, choir /ˈkwaɪər/, cousin /ˈkʌsn/, detective /dɪˈtektɪv/,
favourite /ˈfeɪvrət/, heart/hɑːt/,
hurt /hɜːt/, whereas /weərˈæz/
COURSEBOOK / Word formation / Page 57 / “A changed person”
-C14:FCE OXFORD, Word formation from FCE Oxford, page 8 (page
16 en otra version del libro)
Infinitive: afford, agree, allow + object +
to infinitive (allow me to go), appear, arrange, ask,
begin (in non-continuous tenses, you can
either use a gerund or an infinitive), begin (in continuous tenses, with
infinitive), claim, continue, decide, demand, expect, forget, hesitate,
hope, intend, learn, manage, mean, need, offer, persuade, plan, pretend,
promise, refuse, seem, try, wait, want, would like, would prefer.
Gerund: admit, allow, avoid, begin (in non-continuous tenses, you can
either use a gerund or an infinitive), can´t help, can´t stand, consider, deny,
discuss, don´t feel like, doesn´t / don´t mind, hate, enjoy, finish, imagine,
involve, keep, like, look forward to, love, mention, miss, need, practice,
prefer, quite like, recall, recommend, regret, risk, spend, stop, suggest, tend,
infinitive: had
better, let, make, modal verbs, would rather, help
Opinion + size
+ age + shape + colour + pattern + material + nationality
Agree, be,
believe, belong, depend, forget, hate, hear, know, like, love, mater, mean,
need, prefer, want, realize, recognize, remember, seem, suppose, understand
·I strongly believe that…
·It is generally agreed that…
·To do
something exceptionally fast / slow
/ carefully,…
·It is / would
be extremely important
·It is / would
be quite interesting
·It is / would
be absolutely essential
·Not only A, but also B
·(I) either A or B
·(I) neither A nor B
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