martes, 21 de mayo de 2019

Monday, 20th May 2019

-Speaking about learning English: one tip for me, another one for my mate!
1.   Practise every day. Make yourself a study plan. Decide how much time a week you are going to spend studying and stick to it. Establish a routine.
2.  Keep a notebook of new words you learn, or use our Quizlet. Use them in sentences and try to say them at least 3 times when you speak.
3.        Use your body clock. If you’re not a morning person, study in the afternoon.
4.   Plan to take a test. You’ll find that you work harder when you need to study for something.
5.      Create an atmosphere in which you want to learn, not because you have to. You’ll learn more when you’re learning because you want to.
6.   Get help! If you don’t understand something you’ve got to ask someone. Ask your teacher, classmates or friends for help.
7.        Review! Review! Review! Make sure that you take the time to review things you have studied in the past.
8.   It’s not a good idea to study on your own for more than 30 minutes at a time. Take regular breaks, get some fresh air and stretch your legs.
9.     Don’t be in such a hurry to move up a level. Concentrate on the level you are at now.
10. Watch DVDs or NETFLIX rather than TV. It’s better to use something that you can watch over again to catch information you might have missed the first time.
Resultado de imagen de advice about learning

-Corrección EGIU, unit 121, about IN, ON, AT

You should check because there are some new words!

adventure /ədˈvenʧə/, AIR /eə/, ankle /ˈæŋkl/, bird /bɜːd/, caricature /ˌkærɪkəˈtjʊə/, charge /'tʃɑ:dʒ/, choir /ˈkwaɪə/, church /'tʃɜ :tʃ/, drought /draʊt/, eight /eɪt/, forehead /ˈfɒrɪd/, future /ˈfjuːʧə/, hurt /hɜːt/, laugh /lɑːf/, love /lʌv/, mountain/ˈmaʊntɪn/, nature /ˈneɪʧə/, receipt /rɪˈsiːt/, sew /´səʊ/, south /saʊθ/, thorough θʌrə/, though /ðəʊ/, thought /θɔːt/, through /θruː/, throw /θrəʊ/, uncle/ˈʌŋkl/, wander /ˈwɒndə/, war /wɔː/, weight /weɪt/, women /ˈwɪmɪn/, wonder /ˈwʌndə/, word /wɜːd/, world /wɜːld/,

-Word formation, FCE GG, page 19, “Music or architecture?”

Infinitive: afford, agree, allow + object + to infinitive (allow me to go), appear, arrange, ask, begin (in non-continuous tenses, you can either use a gerund or an infinitive), begin (in continuous tenses, with infinitive), claim, decide, demand, expect, forget, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, manage, mean, need, offer, persuade, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, try, wait, want, would like, would prefer.

Gerund: admit, allow, avoid, begin (in non-continuous tenses, you can either use a gerund or an infinitive), can´t help, can´t stand, consider, deny, discuss, don´t feel like, doesn´t / don´t mind, hate, enjoy, finish, imagine, involve, keep, like, look forward to, love, mention, miss, need, practice, prefer, quite like, recall, recommend, regret, risk, spend, stop, suggest, tend, understand,

Bare infinitive: had better, let, make, modal verbs, would rather, help

Opinion + size + age + shape + colour + pattern + material + nationality

Agree, be, believe, belong, depend, forget, hate, hear, know, like, love, mater, mean, need, prefer, want, realize, recognize, remember, seem, suppose, understand

·I strongly believe that…
·It is generally agreed that…
·To do something exceptionally fast / slow / carefully,…
·It is / would be extremely important
·It is / would be quite interesting
·It is / would be absolutely essential
·Not only A, but also B
·(I) either A or B
·(I) neither A nor B

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