domingo, 16 de junio de 2013

12/06/2013, Wednesday

Tender, scare, weak, whisper, fool, gift, flame, close, erase


-Canción de Barbra Straisand + Celine Dion

I' m 1. ______________ , so 2. ______________ to show I care.
Will he think me 3. ______________ if I tremble when I 4. ______________?
Oooh - What if there's 5. ______________ one he's thinking of,
6. ______________ he's in love, I'd feel like a 7. ______________,                                                                                                                            Life can be so 8. ______________. I don't know what to 9. ______________.

I've been 10. ______________, with my 11. ______________ out in my hand.
But what you 12. ______________ understand you can't let the chance
To love 13. ______________ pass you by.

Tell 13. ______________, tell 13. ______________ that the sun and 14. ______________
Rise in his 15. ______________, reach out to 13. ______________ and 16. ______________
Tender 17. ______________ so soft and 18. ______________
I'll hold 13. ______________ close to feel his 11. ______________ beat
Love 19. ______________ be the gift you 20. ______________ yourself

21. ______________ 13. ______________ (ooohh)
With the gentleness you feel 22. ______________ (I feel it).
Your love 23. ______________ be denied, the 24. ______________ will set you free,
You'll have what's 25. ______________ to be,
All in time 26. ______________ see.

I love 13. ______________ (then show 13. ______________)
Of that much I can be 27. _____________ (hold 13. ______________  28. ______________ to you)
I don't think I 29. ______________  endure if I let him 30. ______________  away
When I have so much to 31. ______________.


32. ______________  is light that surely glows                                                                            in the 11. ______________  of 33. ______________ who knows
It's a steady 34. ______________ that grows (oh ooh oh oh).
Feed the 35. ______________ with all the passion you can show.
36. ______________ love will assume its 37. ______________,                                                        this memory time 38. ______________ erase.
Your faith will lead love 39. ______________ it has to go.


ooh ooh ooh

40. ______________ let 13. ______________ go.

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