jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

27/11/2013, Wednesday

To be scared of, actually =  in fact, to belong, huge, armchair, earthquake, flood, blood, to face, brain, to involve, fear, steel, terrific, terrified, bat, aisle /ail/, since, for, sin, sinner, what (=lo que), is up to you, to make sense, to rot-rotted-rotten, owner, to enter, to realize, to complain, whose, guy, concerning, footstep, fingerprint, fan, to earn, strike, demonstration, weekly, success, to depend on, to pay for, to ask for, to wait for, worry about, to arrive in, to arrive at, to speak to, to fall in love with, date, journalist, to book, to rest, rest room, to be in a hurry, hurry up, roundabout, straight, curly, wavy, to argue, eve, pumpkin, matches, go straight on, turn right, turn left, hammer, reach, feed-fed-fed, to be fed up with, to find out, brand, hill, faith, sleeve, upload, selfish, to pay attention, happiness, bill, silly, stubborn, instead, pass out, pass away, likely, lung, misunderstanding, once upon a time, PE, main squares, town hall, subject, lazy, tidy, stage, to take into account, jam, ham, choice, afford, clue, to book, leather, loan, indecisive /indi´sai:siv/, brand, remote, beforehand, stepmother, puddle, reject

-Entrega de corrección a Johnny + comentarios a Montse y Manuel.
-Corrección de Book, GRAMMAR BANK, page 144 (USED TO / DIDN´T USE TO) = costumbre en el pasado.
-BOOK, page 81, sección 3 SPEAKING AND READING: ejercicio C: conversación
-BOOK, page 80, sección 2 PRONUNCIATION: ejercicio B.
-Buscamos en el ejercicio B una palabra que esté relacionada con todo lo que estamos hablando/leyendo hoy sobre ser indecisive /indi´sai:siv/.
-BOOK, page 144: GRAMMAR BANK, sección 10C: Might.
*explicación teórica
*ampliación con otros verbos modales que indiquen POSSIBILITY (can / could / may)

-BOOK, ejercicios A y B page 145, sección 10C
-Fotocopia con estas frases de para traducir:
1. Puedes tener en cuenta que es muy vago y que el escenario no estará ordenado por la noche.
2. Ese tío es muy cabezota y estamos hartos de los malentendidos sobre sus facturas porque es muy egoísta y tonto. No me gusta hablar con él.
3. No se ha desmayado, es probable que esté preocupada porque ha olvido el martillo detrás de la rotonda y sabe que no es suyo.
4. En lugar de estudiar química y esas asignaturas aburridas en Nochebuena, creo que deberías mostrar tu felicidad y descansar con ellos.
5. Tienes que prestar atención a este ventilador porque es enorme; el nuestro, sin embargo, es mejor y  más bonito.
6. El terremoto ocurrió por la tarde y estábamos muy asustados desde entonces; de hecho, nos dimos cuenta de que el dueño de la casa, que estaba enamorado de ella, estaba quejándose.
7. La manifestación había terminado y había sido un éxito porque la ley fue cambiada por el gobierno y se alcanzó un acuerdo.
8. El jueves pasado habíamos discutido con ella porque no me gustaba su pelo ondulado porque era como una calabaza podrida,
9. Tenemos prisa ya que mañana entraremos en nuestra nueva casa; la hemos comprado puesto que hemos ganado mucho dinero y la pudimos reservar hace mucho tiempo.

martes, 26 de noviembre de 2013

25/11/2013, Monday

To be scared of, actually =  in fact, to belong, huge, armchair, earthquake, flood, blood, to face, brain, to involve, fear, steel, terrific, terrified, bat, aisle /ail/, since, for, sin, sinner, what (=lo que), is up to you, to make sense, to rot-rotted-rotten, owner, to enter, to realize, to complain, whose, guy, concerning, footstep, fingerprint, fan, to earn, strike, demonstration, weekly, success, to depend on, to pay for, to ask for, to wait for, worry about, to arrive in, to arrive at, to speak to, to fall in love with, date, journalist, to book, to rest, rest room, to be in a hurry, hurry up, roundabout, straight, curly, wavy, to argue, eve, pumpkin, matches, go straight on, turn right, turn left, hammer, reach, feed-fed-fed, to be fed up with, to find out, brand, hill, faith, sleeve, upload, selfish, to pay attention, happiness, bill, silly, stubborn, instead, pass out, pass away, likely, lung, misunderstanding, once upon a time, PE, main squares, town hall, subject, lazy, tidy, stage, to take into account, jam, ham, choice, afford, clue, to book, leather, loan, indecisive /indi´sai:siv/

-Comentarios sobre correcciones de composiciones y trabajo de Manuel.
-DVD, PAGE 90: Rob and Jenny talk about the future (listening 5.12), después de haber descrito la semana pasada la fotografía y anticipar de lo que puede ocurrir en el listening.
-Dinámica para determinar si cada estudiante es o no una persona                     indecisive /indi´sai:siv/.
-BOOK, page 81, sección 3 SPEAKING AND READING:
*ejercicio A: test personal
*ejercicio B con la lectura del texto “Is too much choise making us unhappy?” [1C 2A 3D 4E 5B]

-BOOK, page 82 ejercicios de GRAMMAR y VOCABULARY B + C + D
-BOOK, page 81, section 4 VOCABULARY: ejercicio B

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

20/11/2013, Wednesday

To be scared of, actually =  in fact, to belong, huge, armchair, earthquake, flood, blood, to face, brain, to involve, fear, steel, terrific, terrified, bat, aisle /ail/, since, for, sin, sinner, what (=lo que), is up to you, to make sense, to rot-rotted-rotten, owner, to enter, to realize, to complain, whose, guy, concerning, footstep, fingerprint, fan, to earn, strike, demonstration, weekly, success, to depend on, to pay for, to ask for, to wait for, worry about, to arrive in, to arrive at, to speak to, to fall in love with, date, journalist, to book, to rest, rest room, to be in a hurry, hurry up, roundabout, straight, curly, wavy, to argue, eve, pumpkin, matches, go straight on, turn right, turn left, hammer, reach, feed-fed-fed, to be fed up with, to find out, brand, hill, faith, sleeve, upload, selfish, to pay attention, happiness, bill, silly, stubborn, instead, pass out, pass away, likely, lung, misunderstanding, once upon a time, PE, main squares, town hall, subject, lazy, tidy, stage, to take into account

-Corrección de
*Frases sobre posesivos:
1. My friend John has a new dog, ______ old dog died last week. 
2. Mary hates when somebody touches ______ car. 
3. The students must bring ______ certificates tomorrow. 
4. Harry has learned how to use ______ brain. 
5. Be careful, your cat is annoying ______ neighbours.
6. Don't use Martin's cup! It's ______
7. Sharon has three sisters. ______ youngest sister lives in Spain. 
8. The house where they live is not ______. They are renting it. 
9. Can I use your chair? My chair is smaller than ______. 
10. Susan will visit ______ friends when she goes to England. 
11. This is Jane. This is __________ book. It's __________.
12. These are Tim and Tom. These are __________  bikes.They're __________.
13. You are French.  __________ family lives in Paris.
14. This is my dog Spot. __________ ball is under the table. It's __________.
15. I am a teacher. __________ students are from Spain. These students are __________.
16. Have you got__________   passport? Is this __________?
17. James is a photographer. This is __________ camera. It's __________.
18. We are students. These are __________ books. They're __________

*Frases sobre pronombres personales sujeto y complement
1. ‘That woman has got blue hair and she’s dancing in the street. Look at __________!’
2. ‘Those people are going to sit down before __________, and we’ve been waiting longer than __________.’
3. ‘I haven’t met your girlfriend yet, is __________ here?’
‘Yes, that’s __________ over there.’
4. ‘I’m going to bed.’
    ‘ __________ too, I’m really tired.’
5. ‘She’s so beautiful, and he’s so ugly. Why is she with __________?’
6. ‘I like your car. When did you buy __________?’

-Seguimos practicando de forma oral las indicaciones de direcciones con el libro, page 74 (Virginia).
 -Page 79, listening 4.46: recuerdos del pasado: aún no lo hemos terminado, estamos escuchando al tercer entrevistado.
-De ahí sacamos la expresión USED TO que utilizamos para los hábitos o costumbres del pasado. Alusión a la pronunciación según las dos entradas que han aparecido en el blog sobre ese tema.
-Book, page 78, 1 VOCABULARY, ejercicios A + B + C + D speaking about our experience
-Book, GRAMMAR BANK, page 144 (USED TO / DIDN´T USE TO) = costumbre en el pasado.
-Book, page 78, 2 GRAMMAR: ejercicio A, narración en pasado + B + C + D
-DVD, PAGE 90: Rob and Jenny talk about the future (listening 5.12) – Descripción de la fotografía y anticipo de lo que puede ocurrir en el listening.
-Page 145, ejercicios A y B sobre USED TO.

-Writing about: When I was (you can choose the age) I used to…….

martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

18/11/2013, Monday

To be scared of, actually =  in fact, to belong, huge, armchair, earthquake, flood, blood, to face, brain, to involve, fear, steel, terrific, terrified, bat, aisle /ail/, since, for, sin, sinner, what (=lo que), is up to you, to make sense, to rot-rotted-rotten, owner, to enter, to realize, to complain, whose, guy, concerning, footstep, fingerprint, fan, to earn, strike, demonstration, weekly, success, to depend on, to pay for, to ask for, to wait for, worry about, to arrive in, to arrive at, to speak to, to fall in love with, date, journalist, to book, to rest, rest room, to be in a hurry, hurry up, roundabout, straight, curly, wavy, to argue, eve, pumpkin, matches, go straight on, turn right, turn left, hammer, reach, feed-fed-fed, to be fed up with, to find out, brand, hill, faith, sleeve, upload, selfish, to pay attention, happiness, bill, silly, stubborn, instead, pass out, pass away, likely, lung, misunderstanding, once upon a time, PE, main squares, town hall, subject.

-Entrega y comentarios de correcciones de las composiciones. Pondremos en el blog las versiones corregidas que he recibido por e-mail.
-Corrección de Multiple choice cloze + *Word formation
-Seguimos practicando de forma oral las indicaciones de direcciones con el libro, page 74 (Virginia, la próxima serás tú).
-Page 79, listening 4.46: recuerdos del pasado: aún no lo hemos terminado.

-Frases sobre posesivos:
1. My friend John has a new dog, ______ old dog died last week. 
2. Mary hates when somebody touches ______ car. 
3. The students must bring ______ certificates tomorrow. 
4. Harry has learned how to use ______ brain. 
5. Be careful, your cat is annoying ______ neighbours. 
6. Don't use Martin's cup! It's ______
7. Sharon has three sisters. ______ youngest sister lives in Spain. 
8. The house where they live is not ______. They are renting it. 
9. Can I use your chair? My chair is smaller than ______.
10. Susan will visit ______ friends when she goes to England. 
11. This is Jane. This is __________ book. It's __________.
12. These are Tim and Tom. These are __________  bikes.They're __________.
13. You are French.  __________ family lives in Paris.
14. This is my dog Spot. __________ ball is under the table. It's __________.
15. I am a teacher. __________ students are from Spain. These students are __________.
16. Have you got__________   passport? Is this __________?
17. James is a photographer. This is __________ camera. It's __________.
18. We are students. These are __________ books. They're __________

-Frases sobre pronombres personales sujeto y complement
1. ‘That woman has got blue hair and she’s dancing in the street. Look at __________!’
2. ‘Those people are going to sit down before __________, and we’ve been waiting longer than __________.’
3. ‘I haven’t met your girlfriend yet, is __________ here?’
‘Yes, that’s __________ over there.’
4. ‘I’m going to bed.’
    ‘ __________ too, I’m really tired.’
5. ‘She’s so beautiful, and he’s so ugly. Why is she with __________?’
6. ‘I like your car. When did you buy __________?’

Are there too many reality shows on TV? Virginia and Pablo, two of our students, give us their opinions

Realities are programs where there are real people and not fictional characters in a series that are interpreted by actors.
First we can say that today there is a great variety of realities about dating as “Who wants to marry my son?”, “Who wants to marry my mother?” or “A prince for Corina”,  about kitchen as “Master chef” or “Top chef”, about famous as “The island with the celebrities” or “Alaska and Mario”, about singers “Your face  is familiar for me”, etc.
But realities all are equal and there is nothing educational. It should have more series, movies or documentaries but the TV is based on the audience and there are more programs as the realities because people like laughing at other people and that is the reason that we find very strange people on realities.

Every time I turn on the Spanish television, I’m sure to find a reality show on most channels. In my opinion, there are definitely too many reality shows (I  said “rubbish program”) on TV for the following reasons:
Firstly, there are several daily reality shows in the public channels.
Secondly, there is a channel, whose owner is Berlusconi, and which only make reality shows, even in protected time.
Finally, the rest of the private channels do the same.
I think that public channels should never have reality shows, so it should show culture programs and films in original version. Also, Berlusconi’s channels should be closed because it doesn’t obey the TV’s laws.
I think that these programs wouldn’t  exist when:
a). We distinguish between public (awards, world champions, works of the people) and private affairs (relationships, weddings, …). Channels only should show public affairs.
b). We eliminate double morality:
If a woman works in “the oldest world’s work” with other person and earn a few euros, they can be fined with one thousand euros and we think that they have done a bad thing.
But if the same woman stay with a famous person in a luxury hotel, she can go to these programs (such as “Salvame”,…) and earn in five hours more money than in all her life and this program will be the most watched program of the day.

P.S. This text is dedicated to Isaac, who hates these programs.

Pronunciation for USED TO

Two videos about this point:

-First, minute 1:54 in this song "Somebody that I used to know" by Gotye.


-Then, some examples in this explanation by a colleague


Phrasal verbs with PASS

>(to) pass away: pasar a mejor vida. 

>(to) pass by: pasar/ pasar de largo.

>(to) pass down: pasar/ transmitir.

>(to) pass for: pasar por.

>(to) pass off: pasar, transcurrir/ parar/ pasarse/ hacer pasar ((as, por)).

>(to) pass on: pasar, dar/ contagiar/ pasar a mejor vida/ pasar ((to, a)).

>(to) pass out: desmayarse, perder el conocimiento/ graduarse/ repartir. 

>(to) pass over: pasar por alto, dejar de lado, olvidar/ atravesar, cruzar.

>(to) pass through: estar de paso/ pasar por, atravesar. 

>(to) pass up: dejar pasar, dejar escapar, desperdiciar/ rechazar. 

jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013

13/11/2013, Wednesday

To be scared of, actually =  in fact, to belong, huge, armchair, earthquake, flood, blood, to face, brain, to involve, fear, steel, terrific, terrified, bat, aisle /ail/, since, for, sin, sinner, what (=lo que), is up to you, to make sense, to rot-rotted-rotten, owner, to enter, to realize, to complain, whose, guy, concerning, footstep, fingerprint, fan, to earn, strike, demonstration, weekly, success, to depend on, to pay for, to ask for, to wait for, worry about, to arrive in, to arrive at, to speak to, to fall in love with, date, journalist, to book, to rest, rest room, to be in a hurry, hurry up, roundabout, straight, curly, wavy, to argue, eve, pumpkin, matches, go straight on, turn right, turn left, hammer, reach, feed-fed-fed, to be fed up with, to find out, brand, hill, faith, sleeve, upload, selfish, to pay attention, happiness, bill, silly, stubborn, instead.

-Recoger composiciones: sobre realities o con vocabulario dado (page 117)
-Volvemos al Book, page 77, ejercicio C referido al texto con el que hemos trabajado en clase, para poner en común qué información dada pensamos que es incorrecta.

-Canción: “This is me”, Faith Hill

I have my addictions and keep my share of 1. __________
and things you'll 2. __________ see.
I get 3. __________ and defensive
and 4. __________too much attention to my insecurities.
I'm just like everybody 5. __________, I 6. _________to love Jesus and myself.

I don't 7. __________ what you 8. __________,
or what you 9. __________ of what you 10. __________
but this is a part of 11. __________,
of what I 12.
__________ and 13. __________ I am,
all of my impurities are 14. __________ here on my sleeve.
This is 11.
__________. This is 11. __________.

My 15. __________ breaks for the homeless, I worry about my 16. __________
and all my 17. __________ are late.
I'm dealing with the 18. __________,
this complicated strangeness of 19. __________ life this way.
I'm just like everybody 5. __________, I 6. _________to love Jesus and myself.


I laugh at 20. __________ movies, tear up when I see 21. __________
And I'm stubborn as a 22. __________.
I criticize my 23. __________,
I wonder if I'm ready to ever be 24. __________.

I'm just like everybody 5. __________,
I 25. __________, yes I 25. __________, just like everybody 5. __________.


This is 11._____. Don´t be 26. ______ who you are! 27. _______ who you are!
What you 28. __________, what you 29. __________,
what you 30. __________. 31. __________you are.

-Lectura / corrección texto page 117

Los ejercicios de deberes de esta semana son diferentes, tendréis que consultar el diccionario o investigar por internet. Pero seguro que os divierten y podéis disfrutar de algo distinto para descansar de las  frases para completar con verbos…

-Multiple choice cloze

Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, or C best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

The century´s best film

Many film (0) CRITICS think that THE MATRIX is one of the best films of the 21st century so far. In my opinion, the main reason for this is that the (1) __________ is both original and extremely mysterious. Of course the special  (2) __________ are amazing as well, especially all the fight (3) __________ when the actors do incredible kung fu  (4) __________. For me, the most memorable (5) __________ in the film is the one where Keanu Reeves, who (6) __________  the part of Neo, and Morpheus meet for the first time. The tension reaches a (7) __________ when we learn the truth about the Matrix.
I first saw this film in the front (8) __________ of my local cinema but like many people I have watched it many times since then on DVD, on the small (9) __________  of my laptop computer. Although the (10) __________ didn´t quite live up to my expectations, I still think the first film is great.

A. surveyors
B. critics  
C. judges
A. plot
B. scene
C. role
A. efforts
B. effects
C. actions
A. areas
B. places
C. sequences
A. acts
B. games
C. stunts
A. scene
B. situation
C. location
A. does
B. plays
C. makes
A. summit
B. top
C. climax
A. line
B. queue
C. row
A. screen
B. board
C. top
A. sequels
B. remakes
C. developments

-Word formation

Read the following text about the sport of free-diving. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Former swimming (0) INSTRUCTOR Tanya Streeter, 26, has achieved what many

thought was (1) IMPOSSIBLE and dived to 370 feet below the sea on a single

lungful of air. (2) COMPETITORS in
free-diving take a deep breath before

(3) DISAPPEARING into the depths of the ocean. Rigorous training has helped

Tanya to go deeper than male (4) DIVERS and break one of the most difficult diving records.

Free-diving is a dangerous sport. Deaths are frequent and it is not (5) UNCOMMON to pass out or to have nose bleed on the descent. Tanya, who

can hold her breath for five minutes (6) UNDERWATER says that many men tried

to (7) DISCOURAGE her from attempting to break the record. “They all said

it was (8) UNLIKELY that a woman could reach such depths without breathing

equipment. They (9) MISJUDGE my abilities and I proved them wrong”. In 1988

the French film (10) DIRECTOR Luc Besson made a film about free-diving, “Le Grand Bleu”, which became the  biggest box-office hit in France of all time.


miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2013

Faith Hill today in our class!

Faith Hill (born Audrey Faith Perry; September 21, 1967) is an American country pop singer and occasional actress. Her voice type is a mezzo-soprano. She is married to Country superstar Tim McGraw, with whom she has recorded several successful duets. Hill has sold more than 40 million records worldwide.
Hill's first two albums, Take Me as I Am (1993) and It Matters to Me (1995), established her as a popular country singer. The pair placed a combined three No. 1's on Billboard's country charts and each received multi-platinum certifications in the U.S. But the release of her next two albums, Faith (1998) and Breathe (1999), brought Hill mainstreamcrossover and international success, by achieving high positions and huge sales globally. Faith spawned her first international hit, "This Kiss", and went multi-platinum in various countries. Breathe became her best-selling album to date and one of the best-selling country albums of all time, with her best known single, "Breathe". It went multi-platinum in several countries around the world and earned Hill three Grammy Awards, including Best Country Album. In 2001, she recorded "There You'll Be" for the soundtrack of the movie Pearl Harbor and the song became an international success and her best-selling single in Europe. Hill's next two albums, Cry (2002) and Fireflies (2005), kept her mainstream popularity. The former went multi-platinum and got another crossover single, "Cry", which won Hill a Grammy Award. The latter went multi-platinum as well, with the success of the singles "Mississippi Girl" and "Like We Never Loved at All", which earned her another Grammy Award.
Hill has won five Grammy Awards, 14 Academy of Country Music Awards, four American Music Awards and several other awards. Her Soul2Soul II Tour 2006 with McGraw became the highest-grossing country tour of all time. In 2001, she was named one of the "30 Most Powerful Women in America" by Ladies Home Journal. In 2009, Billboard named her as the No. 1 Adult Contemporary artist of the 2000 decade and also as the 39th best artist. Hill was, from 2007 to 2012, the voice of NBC Sunday Night Football's intro song.

Grammy Awards
The Grammy Awards are awarded annually by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. Hill has won 5 awards from 15 nominations.

"Hope" (Country Music's Quest For A Cure)
Best Country Collaboration with Vocals
Best Female Country Vocal Performance
Best Female Country Vocal Performance
Best Country Collaboration with Vocals
Best Country Album
Best Female Country Vocal Performance
Best Country Album
Best Female Country Vocal Performance
Best Country Collaboration with Vocals
Best Country Album

Other awards
In addition to her 5 Grammy Awards, Hill has also won 12 Academy of Country Music Awards, 4 American Music Awards, 4 People's Choice Awards, 3 Country Music Association Awards, among others. In addition, Hill received the Samuel S. Beard Award for Greatest Public Service by an Individual 35 Years or Under in 2000, an award given out annually by Jefferson Awards.

Academy of Country Music Awards
Top New Female Vocalist
TNN/Music City News
Female Star of Tomorrow
Academy of Country Music Awards
Top Vocal Event of the Year – (w/ Tim McGraw)
Academy of Country Music Awards
Top Single of the Year – "It's Your Love" (w/ Tim McGraw)
Academy of Country Music Awards
Top Song of the Year – "It's Your Love" (w/ Tim McGraw)
Country Music Association Awards
Vocal Event of the Year – (w/ Tim McGraw)
Academy of Country Music Awards
Top Female Vocalist
Academy of Country Music Awards
Top Single of the Year - This Kiss
Academy of Country Music Awards
Top Vocal Event of the Year – (w/ Tim McGraw)
Academy of Country Music Awards
Top Music Video of the Year – "It's Your Love" (w/ Tim McGraw)
Country Music Association Awards
Music Video of the Year – "This Kiss"
TNN/Music City News
Vocal Collaboration of the Year – "Just to Hear You Say That You Love Me" (w/ Tim McGraw)
TNN/Music City News
Song of the Year – "Just to Hear You Say That You Love Me" (w/Tim McGraw)
TNN/Music City News
Video of the Year – "This Kiss"
TNN/Music City News
Single of the Year – "This Kiss"
TNN/Music City News
Female Artist of the Year
Academy of Country Music Awards
Top Female Vocalist
Academy of Country Music Awards
Top Music Video of the Year – "Breathe"
Academy of Country Music Awards
Top Female Vocalist of the Year
Country Weekly's TNN Awards
Female Artist of the Year
Country Music Association Awards
Female Vocalist of the Year
American Music Awards
Favorite Pop/Rock Female Artist
American Music Awards
Favorite Country Female Artist
American Music Awards
Favorite Country Album - Breathe
CMT Flameworthy Video Music Awards
Hottest Female Video of the Year – "When The Lights Go Down"
People's Choice Awards
Favorite Female Musical Performer
American Music Awards
Favorite Country Female Artist