-Speaking ONE DAY AT A TIME, season 1, episode 3
1.Who looks happy in Lydia´s room?
Pope Francisco (picture)
2.Who is Rosa?
Schneider´s stepmother who used to be his nanny.
3.What does Penelope want to do with her family on Sunday morning?
She wants to go hiking.
4.What´s the reason why Penelope says Lydia is a Protestant and not a Catholic?
Because when she takes the communion she doesn´t think it´s real Jesus´body and flesh, but a symbol.
5.What sentence by Lydia couldn´t be understood by Elena?
“No me levantes la voz”
6.Who said the sentence ”I decide what you decide”?
7.What´s the relationship between Lydia and Cinderella?
Lydia feels like an old Cinderella because she has to do all the housework. She says she is “Cinderbuela”.
8.Why can´t Lydia slam when she goes to her room?
Because there is no door in her room.
9.How old is Dr Berkowitz´s daughter?
10.Who is “Stick Girl”?
Schneider´s lover
11.Why does Lydia cry in the church when she is talking to Penelope?
She thinks Penelope wants to put her in a home.
12.What´s Elena´s point about God?
God must be gender-neutral, not he not she
13.How do you say in English…?
·hacer pucheros: to pout
·pelota, adulador: suck-up
·hazme sitio: move over
-Book, age 138, GRAMMAR BANK 4A sobre FUTURE FORMS: teoría
-Corrección Book, page 138, GRAMMAR BANK 4A sobre FUTURE FORMS: 4Aa

-Listening en clase: Surie, singer from UK

bear /bear/, beard /biard/, beer /biar/, bird (berd/, blood /blad/,
busy /bisi/, butcher /buchar/, cousin /kasin/, deaf /def/,
drawer /droo/, famous /feɪmas/ ,flood /flad/, future /fiuchar/,
glove /glav/, heart/hɑaat/, hurt /hert/, husband /hasband/, island /ailand/,
literature /lítrechar/,lice /lais/, louse /laus/, month /manz/,
mice /mais/, minute /minit/, museum /miusíam/, nature /neichar/,
orange /orinch/, scene /siin/, steak /steik/,
talk /tok/, tough /taf/, village /vilich/, walk /wok/, woman /wuman/,
women /wimin/, word /werd/, world /werld/, work /werk/
-Book, age 138, GRAMMAR BANK 4A sobre FUTURE FORMS: 4Ab
-PET Listening multiple choice Richmond from PET Practice Tests /
CD 3 / Track 2 / Part 2 / Page 108 / Listening DIARY
-ONE DAY AT A TIME, season 1 episode 4: lo pondremos en común
en clase el lunes 25/03/24