-English File Intermediate Plus (old book), page 93, PRACTICAL ENGLISH 3. A happy ending?, con track 5.22
--English File Intermediate Plus (old book) 102, REVISE&CKECK, Grammar

-Corrección English File B2.2, page 10, 4 READING & VOCABULARY, “Working out meaning from context”: b) + e) (page 11)

-Corrección Listening: text to be completed with the missing words from IO III – Wrkok, pg 34, trck 18, “Radio Programme” + Speaking
ANNA: I don´t think that it´s got 1. anything to do with us, it´s none of our business. If people want to do what they want, I don´t 2. care who they are, they should be allowed to. I think we can do 3. without this kind of thing in the papers.
ROD: I think that the problem is that half of the 4. stuff they print is just complete rubbish. They´ll print anything to make a bit of 5. money, and I think that half the time they just 6. make it up. I don´t think they should be allowed to print a load of 7. lies.
IKE: A lot of people, especially 8. young people, look up to pop stars and film stars and people like that, so my 9. feeling is that it´s important we know what they´re up to. These people are role 10. models for your children, so it´s right if we know 11. what they are really like.
WENDY: I really like 12. finding out about who´s going out with who, who´s getting married and that kind of thing. I get “Hello” 13. every week and it gives you all the latest 14. news and I really look forward to it. What´s 15. wrong with that?
STEVE: I can´t see how it is in the public´s 16. interest to know about the private like of a Hollywood film star or some 17. princess or other. It may be that these people have immoral 18. lives but it´s even more immoral to write and read 19. about it. I don´t go along with this kind of thing at 20. all.
ANDY: If people want to 21. read information like this, then the newspapers will print it. I don´t think you can 22. blame the newspapers. If people gave up 23. buying these papers, then you wouldn´t get all these shock-horror stories. It´s as 24. simple as that.
DIANE: I think it´s 25. really important that the press has complete 26. freedom. After all, if you start saying “No, you can´t print this, you can´t print that”, it won´t be 27. long before our whole democratic 28. society breaks down. I don´t want politicians deciding 29. what I can read.
ALICE: Well, these film stars say they´re not 30. happy about it but they keep on giving interviews all the time, so I can´t see how they can 31. complain if sometimes the papers print 32. stories about them that are maybe a bit embarrassing. That´s just too bad for 33. them!
-English File Intermediate Plus, page 120, reading b) + c)
-English File Intermediate Plus, page 121, reading b) + c)
-English File B2.2, page 11, 5 LISTENING b)con track 1.9 + c)también con track 1.9
Bird /bɜːd/, blood /blʌd/, bullet/ˈbʊlɪt/, burn /bɜːn/,butcher´s /ˈbʊʧəz/, caught, charge /ʧɑːʤ/, church /ʧɜːʧ/, costume /ˈkɒstjuːm/, custom /ˈkʌstəm/, decided /dɪˈsaɪdɪd/, delicious /dɪˈlɪʃəs/, famous /ˈfeɪməs/, flood /flʌd/, heart /hɑːt/, hurt /hɜːt/, lettuce, looked /lʊkt/, minute /ˈmɪnɪt/, mountain /ˈmaʊntɪn/, nervous /ˈnɜːvəs/, soldier /ˈsəʊlʤə/,sew, son /sʌn/, soon /suːn/, sun /sʌn/, turn /tɜːn/, vulture, weird /wɪəd/, woman /ˈwʊmən/, women /ˈwɪmɪn/, word /wɜːd/, work /wɜːk/, world /wɜːld/