-Corrección Reading: “Predators”
-Corregir ejercicio sobre SINCE / FOR
+ PRESENT PERFECT from EFBluePhot. Page 187
-Corrección EFBluePhot page 240 about
phrasal verbs
VOCABULARY: you should check quizlet!
Ache /eɪk / - bear /beə/ -
beard /bɪəd/ - beer /bɪə/ - bird /bɜːd/ -
blood /blʌd/ - car /kɑː/ - cat /kæt/ -
could /kʊd/ - enough /ɪˈnʌf/ - flood /flʌd/ - heart /hɑːt/ -hurt /hɜːt/ - island
/ˈaɪlənd/ - love /lʌv/ - man /mæn/ - men /men/ - minutes /ˈmɪnɪts/
- month /month /
- mountain /ˈmaʊntɪn/ - society /səˈsaɪətɪ/ - son /sʌn/ – sun /sʌn/ - talk /tɔːk/ - though /ðəʊ /- thought
/θɔːt/ - through
/θruː/ - tower /ˈtaʊə/ - variety /vəˈraɪətɪ/ - walk /wɔːk/ - woman /ˈwʊmən/ - women /ˈwɪmɪn/ - word /wɜːd/ -
world /wɜːld/
-Book, page
53, 6: transformations
-Book, page
53, 7 and 8 about the sentences in exercise 6
Infinitive: afford, agree, allow +
object + to infinitive (allow me to go), appear, ask, begin (in non-continuous tenses, you can either use a gerund or an
infinitive), begin (in continuous tenses, with infinitive), claim, decide,
demand, expect, forget, hesitate, hope, intend, learn, manage, mean, need,
offer, persuade, plan, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, try, wait, want, would
like, would prefer.
Gerund: admit, allow, avoid, begin
(in non-continuous tenses, you can either use a gerund or an infinitive), can´t
stand, consider, deny, discuss, don´t feel like, doesn´t / don´t mind, hate,
enjoy, imagine, involve, keep, like, look forward to, love, mention, miss,
need, practice, prefer, quite like, recall, recommend, regret, risk, spend,
stop, suggest, understand,
Bare infinitive: had better, make, modal verbs, would rather, help
Opinion + size + age + shape +
colour + pattern + material + nationality