“Tales of Childhood”, con lectura en voz alta en clase.
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page 29, Workbook “The Big Picture”[1.PRIMARY 2.AT 3.MARKS 4.ENGLISH 5.BORING 6.FROM
NOTA: En los ejercicios en los que es posible aparecen las soluciones para aquellos estudiantes que no puedan asistir a clase. Si os interesa la corrección de algún otro ejercicio, podéis pedírsela a un compañero y corregirlo vosotros personalmente. En clase podremos resolver cualquier duda que os surja.
Actually, afford (to),
allow (to), another + singular noun, another one, argue (to), argument, as well
(as), attend (to), average, avoid, bark (to), be careful (to), be scared of (to), become independent
(to), bone, book (to), both, break down (to), briefcase, bride, bridesmaid, bunch
of flowers, busy, Chemistry, clue, come of age, compulsory, curly, depend on
(to), do crafts (to), do karate (to), doll, doubt, drawer, due to, each other, even,
event, exhibition, figure, fireworks, fix (to), flood, fortress, gonna + infinit.
sin to,goods, harbour, helmet, hint, hire (to), hold on (to), hoover, I´d
rather + bare infinitive, instead of, guilty, jealous, kite, kitten, knit (to),
laptop, lately, lawyer, lobster, look after (to), look for (to), look like
(to), look up (to), mate, mend (to), mill, never mind, not at all, other +
plural noun, oven, paragliding, pay attention to (to), pensioner, pray (to), queue, reject
(to), relative, rollercoaster, row, run a business (to), scarf, selfish, speak
to, spell, sweep-swept-swept, take care (to), talk to, tear, the whole + noun, the
other one, thief, threat, tidy, tiny, tip, upload (to), vacuum, wanna + infinit.
sin to, warning, wavy, wedding dress, wheelchair, would you be so kind as to…?,
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