-Acuerdo (so do I / neither do I) 19/02/24
-Adjetivos en -ED y en ING (revisión) 29/01/24, 19/01/24
-Comparatives CON EJERCICIOS 06/11/23, 13/11/23
-Conditional clauses 1 & 2 & 3 08/04/24, 15/04/24, 22/04/24, 06/04/24, 20/05/24
-Deducción must / can´t 02/10/23, 25/03/24
-Enough: posición 29/04/24
-Finalidad: to / in order to / so as to / so that 22/10/23
-Future forms 04/03/24, 18/03/24
-Indirect questions 04/03/24, 18/03/24, 25/03/24
-I WANT YOU TO GO 18/12/23, 08/01/24, 22/01/24
-Modal: manage to = can 29/01/24
-Neither do I / so do I 09/10/23
-Non-action verbs + present simple + present continuous 06/11/23
-NOT para negar infinitivo con to, infinitivo sin to y gerundio
22/01/24, 20/06/24
-Passive voice 20/05/24, 27/05/24, 03/06/24
-Posesión: pronombres + genitivo sajón 09/10/23 + 16/10/23
-Preposiciones 29/01/24, 05/02/24, 12/02/24, 19/02/24
-Present perfect con YET, JUST, ALREADY, SINCE, FOR, EVER
-Pronunciación /ed/ 09/10/23
-Suffixex 13/05/24
-TO + GERUND (be used to / look forward to) 20/11/23
-USUALLY, USED TO, SIMPLE PAST 27/11/23, 18/12/23
-V1+V2, introducción 09/10/23, 08/01/24, 22/01/24, 12/02/24,
19/02/24, 26/02/24, 04/03/24, 11/03/24, 18/03/24
-Writings: review 20/11/23 + 20/06/24 + article 22/01/24